zuihaobushi 2019-12-04
-在计算机科学中,反射是指计算机程序在运行时(Run time)可以访问、检测和修改它本身状态或行为的一种能力。[1]用比喻来说,反射就是程序在运行的时候能够“观察”并且修改自己的行为。
要注意术语“反射”和“内省”(type introspection)的关系。内省(或称“自省”)机制仅指程序在运行时对自身信息(称为元数据)的检测;反射机制不仅包括要能在运行时对程序自身信息进行检测,还要求程序能进一步根据这些信息改变程序状态或结构。
Meta Object System is a part of Qt framework core provided to support Qt extensions to C++ like signals/slots for inter-object communication, run-time type information, and the dynamic property system.[1]
The Meta object system consists of 3 things: QObject class, Q_OBJECT macro and a tool called moc (Meta-Object Compiler). QObject is the base class for all Qt classes, Q_OBJECT macro is used to enable meta-object features in classes and finally moc is a preprocessor that changes Q_OBJECT macro instances to C++ source code to enable meta object system mechanism in the class in which it is used.[2]
Using the meta object system has brought some criticism. In Qt documentation, several reasons have been given for the use of the meta object system, including benefits of code generation, dynamism of GUIs, automatic binding to scripting languages, not adding limitations and also reasonable performance in signal/slot implementation with moc.[3] There are some efforts to make Qt needless of a preprocessor. These efforts include re-implementing Qt moc using libclang.[4]
moc可以理解将Qt中的一些关键词,比如Q_Object ,Q_PROPERTY等转化为c++的基本语法,所以我们在编译Qt的工程时,首先要qmake->make。
//1 .继承 QObject class TestObject : public QObject { Q_OBJECT // 2.声明Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString text READ text WRITE setText NOTIFY textChange) //3. Q_PROPERTY 注册成员变量 Q_PROPERTY(QString text MEMBER m_text NOTIFY textChange) //4. 注册的成员变量能够响应自定义的signals textChange public: TestObject(QObject* parent); ~TestObject(); void init(); //------ Q_INVOKABLE QString text(); //5.注册类的成员函数 Q_INVOKABLE void setText(const QString& strText); //5.注册类的成员函数 QString m_text; //类的成员变量 signals: void textChange(); //自定义的signals public slots: void textslot(){qDebug()<<"textslot"<<endl;} //自定义的signals响应的槽函数 }; //cpp TestObject::TestObject(QObject* parent) : QObject (parent) { this->setObjectName("TestObject"); connect(this, SIGNAL(textChange()),this, SLOT(textslot())); } TestObject::~TestObject() { } void TestObject::init() { qDebug()<<"*********************"<<endl; qDebug()<<"init"<<endl; } QString TestObject::text() { return m_text; } void TestObject::setText(const QString& strText) { if (m_text == strText) return; m_text = strText; // emit textChange(); //有了第四条这个语句已经不需要了。 }
TestObject* obj = new TestObject(this); // new一个对象 qDebug()<<obj->objectName()<<endl; //输出对象的名字 // custom object property obj->setProperty("text", "hahaha"); //设置对象的属性 qDebug()<<obj->property("text").toString()<<endl; //输出对象的属性 //得到注册的类成员函数 qDebug()<<"begin--------------------custom class method"<<endl; const QMetaObject* mobj = obj->metaObject(); qDebug()<<mobj->methodCount()<<endl; for(int i = 0; i < mobj->methodCount(); i++) { QMetaMethod mMethod = mobj->method(i); QByteArray byteArray = mMethod.name(); //输出函数类型与函数名称 qDebug()<<mMethod.typeName()<<"->"<<QString(byteArray)<<endl; } qDebug()<<"end----------------------custom class method"<<endl; //调用注册的成员函数,通过Q_RETURN_ARG来获取返回值 qDebug()<<"begin QMetaObject::invokeMethod"<<endl; QString invokeString; //调用类的成员函数 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, "text", Qt::DirectConnection, Q_RETURN_ARG(QString, invokeString)); qDebug()<<invokeString<<endl; qDebug()<<"end QMetaObject::invokeMethod"<<endl; // 再次设置text值,可以响应这个信号,可以参考4 obj->setProperty("text", "luelueluelue");
看上边的代码,C++能够随时获取当前类的成员变量与成员函数以及调用。(并不是通过C++的type id)这就是反射。反射在写GUI的时候是非常有用的。也就是我们可以随时获取当前对象的任何我们想要的属性以及想要调用的函数。静态语言有了动态语言的特性。这就是Qt强大的地方。
#include <QByteArray> #include <QMetaObject> #include <QHash> #ifndef OBJECTFACTORY_H #define OBJECTFACTORY_H class ObjectFactory { public: template<typename T> static void registerClass() { constructors().insert( T::staticMetaObject.className(), &constructorHelper<T> ); } static QObject* createObject( const QByteArray& className, QObject* parent = NULL ) { Constructor constructor = constructors().value( className ); if ( constructor == NULL ) return NULL; return (*constructor)( parent ); } private: typedef QObject* (*Constructor)( QObject* parent ); template<typename T> static QObject* constructorHelper( QObject* parent ) { return new T( parent ); } static QHash<QByteArray, Constructor>& constructors() { static QHash<QByteArray, Constructor> instance; return instance; } }; #endif // OBJECTFACTORY_H
下边是使用方法。todo ,这个东西应该写成单例模式的。
//使用方法 ObjectFactory fac; fac.registerClass<TestObject>(); qDebug()<<"begin-------------------------------"<<endl; TestObject* object = qobject_cast<TestObject*>(fac.createObject( "TestObject" , this)); object->setText("template factory"); qDebug()<<object->text()<<endl;