Mysql Scalability(4)Amoeba - Separate Reads and Writes

cnzou 2014-08-02

Mysql Scalability(4)Amoeba - Separate Reads and Writes

Separate Reads and Writes by Rules

Comments out the MysqlQueryRouter Configuration
<property name="sqlFunctionFile">${amoeba.home}/conf/functionMap.xml</property><property name="LRUMapSize">1500</property><property name="defaultPool">master1</property><!--<property name="writePool">master1</property><property name="readPool">slavePool1</property>--><property name="needParse">true</property>

A very simple rules in conf/rule.xml
<amoeba:rule xmlns:amoeba="">        <tableRule name="message"schema="sillycat"readPools="slavePool1"writePools="master1"/></amoeba:rule>

That means that database sillycat, table message will follow the reads and writes rules and separate in different databases, but all the other tables will go through the master1.

Sharding Across 4 Machines
4 machines, 2 masters, 2 slaves

Create Table
create table message(id int primary key, title char(255), message char(255) );
create table EVENTS (ID INT primary key, EVENT_REQUEST char(255), EVENT_RESPONSE char(255));

It does not work based on the message and events. So I use branduser at last.

This rule works.
        <tableRule name="branduser"schema="sillycat"defaultPools="slavePool1,slavePool2">                <rule name="rule1">                        <parameters>id</parameters>                        <expression><![CDATA[                                id <= 100                            ]]>                        </expression>                        <defaultPools>master1</defaultPools>                        <readPools>slavePool1</readPools>                        <writePools>master1</writePools>                </rule>                <rule name="rule2">                        <parameters>id</parameters>                        <expression><![CDATA[                                id > 100                        ]]>                        </expression>                        <defaultPools>master2</defaultPools>                        <readPools>slavePool2</readPools>                        <writePools>master2</writePools>                </rule>        </tableRule>

log from the router.log
2014-07-29 18:29:27,702 DEBUG route.AbstractQueryRouter - query={sql=[select * from branduser], parameter=[]}, no Column rule, using table:sillycat.branduser default rules:[slavePool1, slavePool2],  route to pools:[slavePool1, slavePool2] 2014-07-29 18:30:22,282 DEBUG route.AbstractQueryRouter - query={sql=[insert into branduser(id, username, age) values (15,"manager", 32)], parameter=[]}, matched table:sillycat.branduser, rule:rule1,  route to pools:[master2] 2014-07-29 18:30:47,326 DEBUG route.AbstractQueryRouter - query={sql=[select * from branduser], parameter=[]}, no Column rule, using table:sillycat.branduser default rules:[slavePool1, slavePool2],  route to pools:[slavePool1, slavePool2] 2014-07-29 18:31:07,936 DEBUG route.AbstractQueryRouter - query={sql=[insert into branduser(id, username, age) values (5,"developer", 28)], parameter=[]}, matched table:sillycat.branduser, rule:rule1,  route to pools:[master1]

This rule also works.
        <tableRule name="branduser"schema="sillycat"defaultPools="slavePool1,slavePool2">                <rule name="rule1"ruleResult="POOLNAME">                   <parameters>id</parameters>                   <expression><![CDATA[                           var hashid = abs(id) % 16;                           case  hashid         when range(0,8,1,1)  then (isReadStatement ? 'slavePool1' : 'master1');                                                when range(9,15,1,1) then (isReadStatement ? 'slavePool2' : 'master2');                           END CASE;                   ]]></expression>                </rule>        </tableRule>

And I place 4 amoeba proxy on all 4 machines. That should be 

Then use my haproxy to proxy all these things on tcp level. It is on the machine ubuntu-client4. The configuration file is as follow:
#logging options global       

log local0 info       

maxconn 5120       

chroot /opt/haproxy       

uid 99       

gid 99       



nbproc  2       

pidfile /opt/haproxy/

#load balancing defaults


log        global      

#使用4层代理模式,"mode   http"为7层代理模式      

mode       tcp      

#if you set mode to tcp,then you nust change tcplog into httplog      

option     tcplog      

option     dontlognull      

retries    3      

option redispatch      

maxconn 2000      

contimeout      5s      

clitimeout      120s      

srvtimeout      120s

#front-end IP for consumers and producters

listen rabbitmq_local_cluster ubuntu-client4:8066      


mode      tcp      

#balance url_param userid      

#balance url_param session_id check_post 64      

#balance hdr(User-Agent)      

#balance hdr(host)      

#balance hdr(Host) use_domain_only      

#balance rdp-cookie      

#balance leastconn      

#balance source  //ip      


balance roundrobin      

#amoeba 集群节点配置      

server amoeba1  ubuntu-master:8066 check inter 5000 rise 2 fall 2      

server amoeba2  ubuntu-client1:8066 check inter 5000 rise 2 fall 2      

server amoeba2  ubuntu-client2:8066 check inter 5000 rise 2 fall 2      

server amoeba2  ubuntu-client3:8066 check inter 5000 rise 2 fall 2

#配置haproxy web监控,查看统计信息

listen private_monitoring :80      

mode    http      

option  httplog      

stats   enable      


stats   uri  /haproxy-status      

stats   refresh 5s

Then I can connect the mysql server as follow:
mysql -h ubuntu-client4 -P 8066 -u root -p password

