dxbjfu0 2019-06-26
#!/usr/bin/env python #encoding: utf-8 #Author: guoxixi import xlrd import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') def open_excel(file='test.xls'): try: data = xlrd.open_workbook(file) # 打开excel文件 return data except Exception, e: print str(e) def excel_table_bycol(file='', where=[0], colindex=[0], table_name='Sheet1'): data = open_excel(file) table = data.sheet_by_name(table_name) # 获取excel里面的某一页 nrows = table.nrows # 获取行数 t_name = table.row_values(0)[0].encode('utf8') #表名 colnames = table.row_values(1) # 获取第一行的值,作为key来使用 list = [] # (2,nrows)表示取第二行以后的行,第一行为表名,第二行为表头 for rownum in range(2, nrows): row = table.row_values(rownum) if row: whe = {} for n in where: whe[str(colnames[n]).encode("utf-8")] = str(row[n]).encode("utf-8") #输入的筛选字段 app = {} for i in colindex: app[str(colnames[i]).encode("utf-8")] = str(row[i]).encode("utf-8") # 将数据填入一个字典中,同时对数据进行utf-8转码,因为有些数据是unicode编码的 list.append({'where':whe,'app':app}) # 将字典加入列表中去 return list,t_name def main(file,where,colindex): # colindex为需要更新的列,where为筛选的列 tables = excel_table_bycol(file,where,colindex, table_name=u'Sheet1') with open('./sql_result/update#'+tables[1]+'.sql', 'w') as f: # 创建sql文件,并开启写模式 for info in tables[0]: sql_line = "UPDATE "+tables[1]+" SET" apps = info.get('app') for key,value in apps.items(): if sql_line.endswith('SET'): sql_line += " "+key+"='"+value+"' " else: sql_line += ", " + key + "='" + value + "' " sql_line += " WHERE" where = info.get('where') for key, value in where.items(): if sql_line.endswith('WHERE'): sql_line += " "+key+"='"+value+"' " else: sql_line += "AND " + key + "='" + value + "' " sql_line+="\n" f.write(sql_line) # 往文件里写入sql语句 if __name__ == "__main__": file_name = 'test.xls' # 导入xls文件名 where = [0,1,2] # 条件字段 colindex = [3, 4] # 需要插入的列 main(file_name,where,colindex)
#!/usr/bin/env python #encoding: utf-8 #Author: guoxixi import xlrd import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') def open_excel(file='test.xls'): try: data = xlrd.open_workbook(file) # 打开excel文件 return data except Exception, e: print str(e) def excel_table_bycol(file='', colindex=[0], table_name='Sheet1'): data = open_excel(file) table = data.sheet_by_name(table_name) # 获取excel里面的某一页 nrows = table.nrows # 获取行数 t_name = table.row_values(0)[0].encode('utf8') #表名 colnames = table.row_values(1) # 获取第一行的值,作为key来使用 list = [] # (2,nrows)表示取第二行以后的行,第一行为表名,第二行为表头 list.append(t_name) list.append(colnames) for rownum in range(2, nrows): row = table.row_values(rownum) if row: app = [] for i in colindex: app.append(str(row[i]).encode("utf-8") ) list.append(app) # 将字典加入列表中去 return list def main(file_name,colindex): # colindex为需要插入的列 tables = excel_table_bycol(file_name,colindex, table_name=u'Sheet1') t_name = tables.pop(0) key_list = ','.join(tables.pop(0)).encode('utf8') #list转为str sql_line = "INSERT INTO "+t_name+"("+key_list+")VALUE" line = '' for info in tables: content = ','.join(info) if line != '': line =line + ',(' + content + ')' else: line = '('+content+')' sql_line = sql_line + line + ';' with open('./sql_result/insert#' + t_name + '.sql', 'w') as f: # 创建sql文件,并开启写模式 f.write(sql_line) # 往文件里写入sql语句 if __name__ == "__main__": file_name = 'test.xls' #导入xls文件名 colindex = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] #需要插入的列 main(file_name,colindex)