zerolab 2019-06-27
if [ 条件判断式 ];then 程序 fi
if [ 条件判断式 ] then 程序 fi
语句使用 fi
结尾,和一般语言使用大括号结尾不同[ 条件判断式 ]
就是使用 test
后面跟符合条件之后执行的程序,可以放在 []
之后,用 ;
分隔。也可以换行输入,就不需要 ;
了#!/bin/bash #env是linux的一个外部命令,可以显示当前用户的环境变量,其中一行显示当前用户 currentUser=$(env | grep "^USER=" | cut -d "=" -f 2) if [ "$currentUser" == "root" ] then echo "Current user is root." fi
[root/tmp]# chmod +x
[root/tmp]# ./ Current user is root.
[vagrant/tmp]$ ./
#!/bin/bash # 统计根分区使用率 # 把根分区使用率作为变量值赋予 rate rate=$(df -h | grep '/dev/sda1' | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d '%' -f 1) # 判断使用率是否大于 80 if [ "$rate" -gt 80 ] then echo "Warning! 分区使用率过高!" fi
if [ 条件判断式 ] then 条件成立时执行的程序 else 条件不成立时执行的程序 fi
#!/bin/bash #定义输入的变量 dir 用read -t 等待时间 -p "提示信息" 变量名 定义输入的变量 read -t 30 -p "Please input you dir :" dir #[ -d "$dir" ] 判断变量是否是目录 if [ -d "$dir" ] then #如果是目录则执行程序 echo "Your input is a dir" else #如果不是目录这执行这个程序 echo "Your input is not a dir" fi #结束if
[root/tmp]# chmod +x
[root/tmp]# ./ Please input you dir :/root Your input is a dir [root/tmp]# ./ Please input you dir :abc Your input is not a dir
#!/bin/bash # 截取httpd进程,并把结果赋予变量httpd httpd=$(ps aux | grep 'httpd' | grep -v 'grep') # 判断 httpd 是否为空 if [ -n "$httpd" ] then # 若不为空,则说明apache正常运行 echo "$(date) httpd is ok" >> /tmp/autohttpd_ok.log else # 若为空,则说明apache停止,启动 apache /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start &>> /tmp/autohttpd_err.log echo "$(date) restart httpd" >> /tmp/autohttpd_err.log fi
if [ 条件判断式1 ] then 条件判断式1成立时执行的程序 elif [ 条件判断式2 ] then 条件判断式2成立时执行的程序 ... 省略更多条件 ... else 当所有条件都不成立时,最后执行的程序 fi
#!/bin/bash # 接收用户输入的文件名,赋值给file read -p "Please input your file: " file # 判断 $file 是否为空 if [ -z "$file" ] then echo "Error,Input is NULL!" exit 1 elif [ ! -e "$file" ] then echo "$file is not a file!" exit 2 elif [ -f "$file" ] then echo "$file is a regular file!" elif [ -d "$file" ] then echo "$file is a directory!" else echo "$file is an other file!" fi
[root/tmp]# chmod +x
[root/tmp]# ./ Please input your file: Error,Input is NULL! [root/tmp]# echo $? 1
[root/tmp]# ./ Please input your file: abc abc is not a file! [root/tmp]# echo $? 2
[root/tmp]# ./ Please input your file: is a regular file! [root/tmp]# echo $? 0
[root/tmp]# ./ Please input your file: /tmp /tmp is a directory! [root/tmp]# echo $? 0
[root/tmp]# ./ Please input your file: /dev/null /dev/null is an other file! [root/tmp]# echo $? 0
#!/bin/bash # 通过read命令接收用户输入要计算的数值,并赋值给 num1 和 num2 read -p "please input num1: " -t 30 num1 read -p "please input num2: " -t 30 num2 # 通过read命令接收用户输入要计算的运算符号,并赋值给 op read -p "please input operator: " -t 30 op # 判断 $num1,$num2 和 $op 都不能为空 if [ -z "$num1" -o -z "$num2" -o -z "$op" ] then echo "Error: the input cannot be null"; exit 10 fi # 判断 $num1 和 $num2 是否都为数字 # 将 $num1 和 $num2 的数字部分全部替换为空,将替换结果赋值给 tmp1 和 tmp2 tmp1=$(echo $num1 | sed 's/[0-9]//g') tmp2=$(echo $num2 | sed 's/[0-9]//g') # 判断 tmp1 和 tmp2 是否都为空,都为空则全都是数字 if [ -n "$tmp1" -o -n "$tmp2" ] then echo "Error: the num1 and num2 must be number" exit 11 fi # 加法运算 if [ "$op" == "+" ] then result=$(($num1 + $num2)) # 减法运算 elif [ "$op" == "-" ] then result=$(($num1 - $num2)) # 乘法运算 elif [ "$op" == "*" ] then result=$(($num1 * $num2)) # 除法运算 elif [ "$op" == "/" ] then # 除法运算中除数不能为0 if [ $num2 -eq 0 ] then echo "Error: The divisor cannot be 0" exit 12 else result=$(($num1 / $num2)) fi # 运算符不是 + | - | * | / else echo "Error: the operator must be + | - | * | /" exit 13 fi # 输出运算结果 echo "$num1 $op $num2 = $result"
[root/tmp]# chmod +x
[root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: please input num2: please input operator: + Error: the input cannot be null [root/tmp]# echo $? 10
[root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: a please input num2: 1 please input operator: + Error: the num1 and num2 must be number [root/tmp]# echo $? 11
[root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: 2 please input num2: 0 please input operator: / Error: The divisor cannot be 0 [root/tmp]# echo $? 12
[root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: 1 please input num2: 2 please input operator: # Error: the operator must be + | - | * | / [root/tmp]# echo $? 13
[root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: 1 please input num2: 2 please input operator: + 1 + 2 = 3 [root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: 1 please input num2: 2 please input operator: - 1 - 2 = -1 [root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: 1 please input num2: 2 please input operator: * 1 * 2 = 2 [root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: 6 please input num2: 3 please input operator: / 6 / 3 = 2
语句和 if...elif...else
语句只能判断一种条件关系,而 if
语句可以判断多种条件关系。case $变量名 in "值1") 变量的值等于值1时,执行程序1 ;; "值2") 变量的值等于值2时,执行程序2 ;; ...省略其他分支... "值n") 变量的值等于值n时,执行程序n ;; *) 变量的值都不等于以上的值时,执行此程序 ;; esac注意,最后的
中 *
不加双引号#!/bin/bash # 通过read命令接收用户输入要计算的数值,并赋值给 num1 和 num2 read -p "please input num1: " -t 30 num1 read -p "please input num2: " -t 30 num2 # 通过read命令接收用户输入要计算的运算符号,并赋值给 op read -p "please input operator: " -t 30 op # 判断 $num1,$num2 和 $op 都不能为空 if [ -z "$num1" -o -z "$num2" -o -z "$op" ] then echo "Error: the input cannot be null"; exit 10 fi # 判断 $num1 和 $num2 是否都为数字 # 将 $num1 和 $num2 的数字部分全部替换为空,将替换结果赋值给 tmp1 和 tmp2 tmp1=$(echo $num1 | sed 's/[0-9]//g') tmp2=$(echo $num2 | sed 's/[0-9]//g') # 判断 tmp1 和 tmp2 是否都为空,都为空则全都是数字 if [ -n "$tmp1" -o -n "$tmp2" ] then echo "Error: the num1 and num2 must be number" exit 11 fi case $op in # 加法运算 "+") result=$(($num1 + $num2)) ;; # 减法运算 "-") result=$(($num1 - $num2)) ;; # 乘法运算 "*") result=$(($num1 * $num2)) ;; # 除法运算 "/") # 除法运算中除数不能为0 if [ $num2 -eq 0 ] then echo "Error: The divisor cannot be 0" exit 12 else result=$(($num1 / $num2)) fi ;; # 运算符不是 + | - | * | / *) echo "Error: the operator must be + | - | * | /" exit 13 ;; esac # 输出运算结果 echo "$num1 $op $num2 = $result"
[root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: 1 please input num2: 2 please input operator: + 1 + 2 = 3 [root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: 1 please input num2: 2 please input operator: - 1 - 2 = -1 [root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: 1 please input num2: 2 please input operator: * 1 * 2 = 2 [root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: 6 please input num2: 3 please input operator: / 6 / 3 = 2
[root/tmp]# ./ please input num1: 1 please input num2: 1 please input operator: % Error: the operator must be + | - | * | /