Aggressivesnail 2020-02-28
"ALL happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
All was confusion in the house of Oblonskys. The wife had dicscovered that her husband was having an intrigue with a French governess who had been
in their employ, and the declared that the could not live in the same house with him. This condition of things had lasted now three days, and was causing
deep discomfort, not only to..."
happy? happy: [happy] {happy} "happy" ‘happy‘
#!/usr/bin/perl open(IN,"<word_frequance.txt") or die "file does not exist!"; while(<IN>){ chomp; $_ =~ tr/a-zA-Z/ /cs; #将除了字母之外的所有字符都换成一个空格 $_ =~ s/^\s+//; ## 丢弃前导空白符 $_ =~ s/\s+$//; ## 丢弃末尾空白符 @words = split(/\s+/,$_); foreach $a (@words){ $dict{lc($a)}++; #创建字典时先将key小写 } } close(IN); foreach $word (sort keys %dict) { print "$word,$dict{$word}\n"; #打印出单词出现的个数 }
a,1 all,2 an,1 and,2 another,1 been,1 causing,1 condition,1 confusion,1 could,1 days,1 declared,1 deep,1 dicscovered,1 discomfort,1 employ,1 every,1 families,1 family,1 french,1 governess,1 had,3 happy,7 having,1 her,1 him,1 house,2 husband,1 in,4 intrigue,1 is,1 its,1 lasted,1 live,1 not,2 now,1 oblonskys,1 of,2 one,1 only,1 own,1 resemble,1 same,1 that,2 the,5 their,1 things,1 this,1 three,1 to,1 unhappy,2 was,3 way,1 who,1 wife,1 with,2
在按照/ /或者/\s+/来split字符串时,常会遇到莫名其妙多出来一个空元素的问题。
split ‘ ‘
,不加任何东西split ‘ ‘
是split的特殊情况,该格式是模拟awk的默认行为,所以在分割行为开始之前,会把字符串中的前导空格全部删除,然后再使用split /\s+/
处理。$_ =~ s/^\s+//; ## 丢弃前导空白符 $_ =~ s/\s+$//; ## 丢弃末尾空白符