Install oozie-3.3.2 on Hadoop 1.1.1

fujing 2013-06-27

After a few hours tweaking and googling, I managed to install apache oozie 3.3.2 on Hadoop 1.1.1.

The document provided in apache oozie 3.3.2 is not very clear. After some googling, I found this blog is a great guide for you install oozie 3.3.1 on Hadoop 0.23.0.

If you want to install oozie on MRv2/YARN, please follow the blog post.

Here we go, we're going to install oozie 3.3.2 on Hadoop 1.1.1, which is offically supported version.

Apache oozie 3.3.2 official quick start page:

My local environment:

  • Apache Hadoop 1.1.1 pseudo setup
  • Apache oozie 3.3.2, the latest release
  • Java 1.7 u25
  • Apache Maven 3.0.4

Oozie server installation:

    • Download apache oozie 3.3.2 via:
    • Unpack the oozie-3.3.2.tar.gz under development directory: ~/dev/oozie-3.3.2
    • The following two properties are required in hadoop core-site.xml:
    • <!-- OOZIE -->
       Replaced [OOZIE_SERVER_USER] with gsun , [OOZIE_SERVER_HOSTNAME] with * and [OOZIE_GROUPS_THAT_ALLOW_IMPERSONATION] with *  . TIP: in this blog post, the $OOZIE_HOME refers to ~/dev/oozie-3.3.2
    • Download, don't unzip it right now.
    • Building a distro
    • cd $OOZIE_HOME
      ./bin/ -DskipTests
       It will take a while, go get a coffee, you'll be fine.
    • If the build successfully, we could go to the next step. In $OOZIE_HOME a directory called  *hadooplibs/* directory will be created containing the Hadoop JARs for the versions of Hadoop that the Oozie distribution supports.
      MacBookPro:oozie-3.3.2 gsun$ cd hadooplibs/
      MacBookPro:hadooplibs gsun$ ls
      hadoop-1/        hadoop-3/        hadoop-distcp-2/ hadoop-test-1/   hadoop-test-3/   target/
      hadoop-2/        hadoop-distcp-1/ hadoop-distcp-3/ hadoop-test-2/   pom.xml
      MacBookPro:hadooplibs gsun$ tree hadoop-1/
      ├── pom.xml
      └── target
          ├── archive-tmp
          ├── hadooplibs
          │   └── hadooplib-1.1.1.oozie-3.3.2
          │       ├── commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar
          │       ├── commons-beanutils-core-1.8.0.jar
          │       ├── commons-codec-1.4.jar
          │       ├── commons-collections-3.2.1.jar
          │       ├── commons-configuration-1.6.jar
          │       ├── commons-digester-1.8.jar
          │       ├── commons-el-1.0.jar
          │       ├── commons-io-2.1.jar
          │       ├── commons-lang-2.4.jar
          │       ├── commons-logging-1.1.jar
          │       ├── commons-math-2.1.jar
          │       ├── commons-net-1.4.1.jar
          │       ├── hadoop-client-1.1.1.jar
          │       ├── hadoop-core-1.1.1.jar
          │       ├── hsqldb-
          │       ├── jackson-core-asl-1.8.8.jar
          │       ├── jackson-mapper-asl-1.8.8.jar
          │       ├── log4j-1.2.16.jar
          │       ├── oro-2.0.8.jar
          │       └── xmlenc-0.52.jar
          ├── maven-archiver
          │   └──
          └── oozie-hadoop-1.1.1.oozie-3.3.2.jar
      5 directories, 23 files
      MacBookPro:hadooplibs gsun$
    • Create a directory named libext/ in $OOZIE_HOME, copy all of jars inside hadoop-1 into $OOZIE_HOME/libext/
    • Building with ExtJS library for Oozie Web Console. Copy the into $OOZIE_HOME/webapp/src/main/webapp, then unzip it.
    • Run to create an oozie.war file.   
      > cd $OOZIE_HOME 
      > ./distro/target/oozie-3.3.2-distro/oozie-3.3.2/bin/  -extjs $OOZIE_HOME/webapp/src/main/webapp/
       If the build success, go to the next step, or refer to apache Oozie official docs for usage.
    • Copy the newly minted oozie.war file to your Tomcat deployment directory.
      > cd $OOZIE_HOME
      > vi ./distro/target/oozie-3.3.2-distro/oozie-3.3.2/conf/oozie-site.xml
       Change the property below to true as shown.
                  Creates Oozie DB.
                  If set to true, it creates the DB schema if it does not exist. If the DB schema exists is a NOP.
                  If set to false, it does not create the DB schema. If the DB schema does not exist it fails start up.
    • Run below command:
      > cd $OOZIE_HOME 
      > ./distro/target/oozie-3.3.2-distro/oozie-3.3.2/bin/ create -sqlfile oozie.sql -run
      if the command is successfully run, the SQL has been created successfully.Start the oozie server.
./distro/target/oozie-3.3.2-distro/oozie-3.3.2/bin/ run
    •  From quick start in Oozie official site,  we know that all Oozie server scripts (, , , and ) run only under the Unix user that owns the Oozie installation directory, if necessary use sudo -u OOZIE_USER when invoking the scripts.As of Oozie 3.3.2, use of , , and has been deprecated and will print a warning. The script should be used instead; passing it start , run , or stop as an argument will perform the behaviors of , , and respectively.Check the Oozie log file  ./distro/target/oozie-3.3.2-distro/oozie-3.3.2/logs/oozie.log to ensure Oozie started properly.
    • Using the Oozie command line tool check the status of Oozie:
    • $ ./distro/target/oozie-3.3.2-distro/oozie-3.3.2/bin/oozie admin -oozie http://[ip address of namenode]:11000/oozie -statusIn my case, the Oozie server can not start due to below exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/configuration/Configuration
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/util/ReflectionUtils
  •  You have to copy hadoop-core.jar and commons-configuration.jar under $HADOOP_HOME/lib into $OOZIE_HOME/distro/target/oozie-3.3.2-distro/oozie-3.3.2/oozie-server/webapps/oozie/WEB-INF/lib . You should see the oozie server up and running. Enjoy oozie!
Another problem I met during development is that oozie thrown below exception after job submitted:
