风哥Oracle教程 2016-11-07
alter table xgj rename column old_name to new_name;
alter table tablename modify (column datatype [default value][null/not null],….);
create table xgj( id number(9) , name char(20) )
SQL> select * from xgj ; ID NAME ---------- -------------------- SQL> alter table xgj modify(name varchar2(20)); Table altered SQL>
--紧接着第一个情况操作,将name的类型改为创建时的char(20) SQL> alter table xgj modify(name char(20)); Table altered --插入数据 SQL> insert into xgj(id,name) values (1,'xiaogongjiang'); 1 row inserted SQL> select * from xgj; ID NAME ---------- -------------------- 1 xiaogongjiang SQL> alter table xgj modify(name varchar2(20)); Table altered SQL> desc xgj; Name Type Nullable Default Comments ---- ------------ -------- ------- -------- ID NUMBER(9) Y NAME VARCHAR2(20) Y SQL> alter table xgj modify(name varchar2(40)); Table altered SQL> alter table xgj modify(name char(20)); Table altered
--建表 create table xgj (col1 number, col2 number) ; --插入数据 insert into xgj(col1,col2) values (1,2); --提交 commit ; --修改col1 由number改为varchar2类型 (不兼容的类型) alter table xgj modify ( col1 varchar2(20))
alter table xgj rename column col1 to col1_tmp;
alter table xgj add col1 varchar2(20);
update xgj set col1=trim(col1_tmp);
alter table xgj drop column col1_tmp;
alter table tablename add (column datatype [default value][null/not null],….);
alter table xgj add (name varchar2(30) default ‘无名氏’ not null, age integer default 22 not null, salary number(9,2) );
alter table tablename drop (column);
create table student ( studentid int primary key not null, studentname varchar(8), age int);
create table student ( studentid int primary key not null, studentname varchar(8), age int);
create table students ( studentid int , studentname varchar(8), age int, constraint yy primary key(studentid));
可用 SELECT * from user_cons_columns;
alter table student drop constraint SYS_C002715;
alter table students drop constraint yy;