sanshamo 2019-11-17
Ocean.one是基于Mixin Network的去中心化交易所,它性能一流。
你可以在OceanOne上交易任何资产,只需要将你的币转给OceanOne, 将交易信息写在交易的memo里,OceanOne会在市场里列出你的交易需求,
你先需要创建一个机器人, 方法在 教程一.
我们需要依赖 msgpack and mixin-bot ,第四章 已经做过介绍, 你应该先安装过它了.
此处演示用 USDT购买BTC 或者 用BTC购买USDT。交易前,先检查一下钱包地址。
if cmd == "aw" assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_assets() p "--------The Wallet Assets List-----------------" assetsInfo["data"].each { |x| puts x["symbol"] + " " + x["balance"] + " " + x["public_key"] + x["account_name"] + " " + x["account_tag"]} p "----------End of Wallet Assets --------------" end
if ocmd == "1" Utils.OceanOneMarketPriceRequest(BTC_ASSET_ID, USDT_ASSET_ID) end def self.OceanOneMarketPriceRequest(asset_id, base_asset_id) full_url = "" + asset_id + "-" + base_asset_id + "/book" data = HTTP.get(full_url).body body = "" redData = data.readpartial while redData != nil body = body + redData redData = data.readpartial end result = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(body).with_indifferent_access result["data"]["data"]["asks"].each { |x| puts x["side"] + " " + x["price"] + " " + x["amount"] + " " + x["funds"] } result["data"]["data"]["bids"].each { |x| puts x["side"] + " " + x["price"] + " " + x["amount"] + " " + x["funds"] } end
在第二章里,Ruby比特币开发教程: 机器人接受比特币并立即退还用户, 我们学习过转帐,这儿我们介绍如何告诉,我们给它转帐的目的是什么,信息全部放在memo里.
def self.GenerateOceanMemo(targetAsset,side,price) memo = Base64.encode64(MessagePack.pack({ 'A' => UUID.parse(targetAsset).to_raw, 'S' => side, 'P' => price, 'T' => "L" })) return memo.sub("\n","") end
if ocmd == "b1" p "Input the price of BTC/USDT: " bprice = gets.chomp p "Input the amount of USDT: " amount = gets.chomp memo = Utils.GenerateOceanMemo(BTC_ASSET_ID,"B",bprice) p memo assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_asset(USDT_ASSET_ID) if assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f >= 1 && assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f >= amount.to_f transInfo = walletAccount.create_transfer(walletAccount.encrypt_pin(DEFAULT_PIN), { asset_id: USDT_ASSET_ID, opponent_id: OCEANONE_BOT, amount: amount, trace_id: SecureRandom.uuid, memo: memo }) p transInfo p "The Order id is " + transInfo["data"]["trace_id"] + " It's needed by cancel-order!" else p "Not enough USDT" end end
if ocmd == "s1" p "Input the price of BTC/USDT: " bprice = gets.chomp p "Input the amount of BTC: " amount = gets.chomp memo = Utils.GenerateOceanMemo(USDT_ASSET_ID,"A",bprice) p memo assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_asset(BTC_ASSET_ID) if assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f > 0 && assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f >= amount.to_f transInfo = walletAccount.create_transfer(walletAccount.encrypt_pin(DEFAULT_PIN), { asset_id: BTC_ASSET_ID, opponent_id: OCEANONE_BOT, amount: amount, trace_id: SecureRandom.uuid, memo: memo }) p transInfo p "The Order id is " + transInfo["data"]["trace_id"] + " It's needed by cancel-order!" else p "Not enough BTC" end end
Make your choose(eg: q for Exit!): b1 "Input the price of BTC/USDT: " 7777 "Input the amount of USDT: " 1 "hKFBxBDG0McoJiRCm44N2dGbZZL6oVOhQqFQpDc3NzehVKFM" {"data"=>{"type"=>"transfer", "snapshot_id"=>"10178f11-4e05-4076-b7c9-006e95919a1b", "opponent_id"=>"aaff5bef-42fb-4c9f-90e0-29f69176b7d4", "asset_id"=>"815b0b1a-2764-3736-8faa-42d694fa620a", "amount"=>"-1", "trace_id"=>"89025aab-598f-43e5-834a-2feaa01797ff", "memo"=>"hKFBxBDG0McoJiRCm44N2dGbZZL6oVOhQqFQpDc3NzehVKFM", "created_at"=>"2019-05-27T06:53:07.135709255Z", "counter_user_id"=>"aaff5bef-42fb-4c9f-90e0-29f69176b7d4"}} "The Order id is 89025aab-598f-43e5-834a-2feaa01797ff It's needed by cancel-order!"
Ocean.one将trace_id当做订单,比如上面的例子, 89025aab-598f-43e5-834a-2feaa01797ff 就是订单号,我们用他来取消订单。
if ocmd == "c" p "Input the Order ID: " orderid = gets.chomp memo1 = Base64.encode64(MessagePack.pack({ 'O' => UUID.parse(orderid).to_raw })) memo = memo1.sub("\n","") assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_asset(CNB_ASSET_ID) if assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f > 0 transInfo = walletAccount.create_transfer(walletAccount.encrypt_pin(DEFAULT_PIN), { asset_id: CNB_ASSET_ID, opponent_id: OCEANONE_BOT, amount: "0.00000001", trace_id: SecureRandom.uuid, memo: memo }) p transInfo else p "Not enough CNB!" end end
if cmd == "aw" assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_assets() p "--------The Wallet Assets List-----------------" assetsInfo["data"].each { |x| puts x["symbol"] + " " + x["balance"] + " " + x["public_key"] + x["account_name"] + " " + x["account_tag"]} p "----------End of Wallet Assets --------------" end
Make your choose(eg: q for Exit!):