jQuery TE

小仙儿 2019-12-21

jQuery TE



jQuery TE is a jQuery plugin.

It is a lightweight (19.5 KB) and very useful HTML editor.

And it works with WYSIWYG model.

jQuery TE is provided under the MIT LICENSE.

Fatih Koca | Project Author

Fatih Koca is web developer, user interface consultant.

He specializes in training and consulting services around JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery TE, HTML5, CSS3, XML, PHP, MySQL, Apache.

In addition, design work has been on national television canal (CINE-5 Istanbul, Turkey).



jQuery TE



Everything is as simple as the following: 


jQuery TE is a jQuery plugin. It is a lightweight (19.5 KB) and very useful HTML editor. And it works with WYSIWYG model.

jQuery TE works with same performance on the most preferred browsers. And its source of the output is same as 90% on these browsers. Also, it compresses to source of the output automatically. jQuery TE‘s system runs more practical and more rapidly to other some editors.

We recommend that you use this product with the latest version of jQuery

$(".editor").jqteVal("New article!");



jQuery TE


Web全栈笔记 / 0评论 2020-06-15