ITprivate 2015-12-28
当一个Bean里面 还有 WeakReference 或者 SoftReference,使用Gson 2.5的 toJson 或者FromJson会导致:
参见 这个
GSON版本 2.2.2, 在android 4.2之后会报错StackOverflowError,最后发现是Gson的bug,
Comment #12:
I believe it was in API 17 that the internals of WeakReference and SoftReference changed to be self-referent, which would trigger this. Are you using Gson to serialize a WeakReference or SoftReference? If you are, you should write your own TypeAdapter for those types.
解决方法一: 未测试
我用 GSON 1.7.1版本替换掉2.2.2版本就解决了。 1.7.1下载地址
// 用于界面更新 public transient WeakReference<View> m_oViewL = null;
.create();String param = "xxxxxxx";Map<String, Map<String, List<MpAppInfo>>> inParams = gson.fromJso