稀土 2018-03-13
In [1]: def test1(): #定义一个test1函数 ...: a = 100 #赋值 ...: In [2]: def test2(): #定义一个test2函数 ...: print("a=%d"%a) #打印 ...: <br />
In [4]: test1() #调用test1函数,因为没有return,所以结果为空 In [5]: test2() #调用test2函数,报错 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-5-35ebc1c532fc> in <module>() ----> 1 test2() <ipython-input-2-d9ea9e4cdd20> in test2() 1 def test2(): ----> 2 print("a=%d"%a) 3 NameError: name 'a' is not defined #表示a没有定义,a是在test1函数中定义的局部变量
In [1]: a = 99 #在函数外定义的变量,在任何函数中都能使用 In [2]: def test1(): ...: a = 100 ...: print("test1函数中a=%d"%a) ...: In [3]: def test2(): ...: print("test2函数中a=%d"%a) ...: In [4]: test1() test1函数中a=100 In [5]: test2() test2函数中a=99
root@ubuntu:/home/python/codes/python基础-05# cat !$ cat 03-获取温度.py wendu = 30 #定义了一个全局变量wendu def get_wendu(): wendu = 33 #对wendu进行修改 def print_wendu(): print("此时的温度是%d"%wendu) #打印 get_wendu() #调用函数 print_wendu() #调用函数 root@ubuntu:/home/python/codes/python基础-05# python3 !$ python3 03-获取温度.py 此时的温度是30 #结果为30
root@ubuntu:/home/python/codes/python基础-05# cat !$ cat 03-获取温度.py wendu = 30 def get_wendu(): global wendu #global wendu用来对一个全局变量的声明,那么wendu=33就是对全局变量的修改 wendu = 33 def print_wendu(): print("此时的温度是%d"%wendu) get_wendu() print_wendu() root@ubuntu:/home/python/codes/python基础-05# python3 !$ python3 03-获取温度.py 此时的温度是33
In [1]: def test(): ...: print("abcdefg") ...: In [2]: help(test) Help on function test in module __main__: test()
In [3]: help(print) Help on built-in function print in module builtins: print(...) print(value, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False) Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default. Optional keyword arguments: file: a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout. sep: string inserted between values, default a space. end: string appended after the last value, default a newline. flush: whether to forcibly flush the stream.
In [4]: def test(): ...: '''打印字符串''' #这就告诫我们一定要养成写注释的好习惯 ...: print("abcdef") ...: In [5]: help(test) Help on function test in module __main__: test() 打印字符串
root@ubuntu:/home/python/codes/python基础-05# cat test.py #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- nums = [11,22,33] infor = {"name":"laowang","age":16} def test1(): nums.append(44) infor['addr']= "henan" def test2(): print(nums) print(infor) test1() test2() root@ubuntu:/home/python/codes/python基础-05# python3 test.py [11, 22, 33, 44] {'addr': 'henan', 'age': 16, 'name': 'laowang'}