install wireless driver on opensuse 11.4

riruojigu 2011-05-09

Since ubuntu always push the computer temperature to as high as 70 digree, it's really hot to put my hands on the keyboard.

So, after search for some information, I learned that by using the debian OS, the heat will decrese. Then, I install Debian 6.0.1 with gnome as default desktop on my laptop(Thinkpad E10 2545A11), fianlly, I found it's quite hard to find a way to install netcard driver, even the wired net card.

With endless anger, I wiped it from my pad, and download a opensuse11.4 iso file, with KDE as its default desktop, burn it in my uDisk with the greensoftware called win32diskimager, and smoothly install it on my laptop.

Then, a problem come up, the wireless netcard driver still can't be installed, while the wired netcard installed as soon as the OS installing finished.

SHIT! As I use the WIFI almost the time, it's become a quite eggache thing!

I rummaged through the internet, finally, found that's because the linux header has not been installed defaultly on the opensuse, while it did on the ubuntu OS,so I did it("zypper in kernel-source   kernel-devel kernel-firmware kernel-desktop kernel-desktop-devel kernel-devel  "), but it still not work, with the error message"gcc installing required", then ,with worse emotion, I zyppered the fucking gcc.

Then,"sudo su"->"make &&make install"->"shutdown -r now",It works!

God, y don't linuxers make it more convenient to us low level linux user?!
