mysql 毫秒数 比较的问题

自由飞翔 2014-09-09

mysql> select now() ;


| now()               |


| 2014-09-09 10:20:43 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select * from timer t where t.shop_uid='B831B3099B73342BADCC197700EE938F' and t.type='rds.orders.task' and  t.time < now();

Empty set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from timer t where t.shop_uid='B831B3099B73342BADCC197700EE938F' and t.type='rds.orders.task' and   1410227100035<1410229370000;


| shop             | type            | TIME          | shop_uid                         | flag          |


| ecomore***    | rds.orders.task | 1410227100035 | B831B3099B73342BADCC197700EE938F | 1409231851401 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

使用t.time < now(); 之前是没问题,现在就有问题了.


 select * from timer t where t.shop_uid='B831B3099B73342BADCC197700EE938F' and t.type='rds.orders.task' and  t.time < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) * 1000);


| shop             | type            | TIME          | shop_uid                         | flag          |


| ecomore***    | rds.orders.task | 1410227100035 | B831B3099B73342BADCC197700EE938F | 1409231851401 |



麋鹿麋鹿迷了路 / 0评论 2013-05-15