suis 2016-03-16
<link type="text/css" href="css/jquery-ui-1.8.17.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link type="text/css" href="css/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.8.17.custom.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-timepicker-zh-CN.js"></script> 汉化包代码: ? (function ($) { // 汉化 Datepicker $.datepicker.regional['zh-CN'] = { clearText: '清除', clearStatus: '清除已选日期', closeText: '关闭', closeStatus: '不改变当前选择', prevText: '<上月', prevStatus: '显示上月', nextText: '下月>', nextStatus: '显示下月', currentText: '今天', currentStatus: '显示本月', monthNames: ['一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'], monthNamesShort: ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二'], monthStatus: '选择月份', yearStatus: '选择年份', weekHeader: '周', weekStatus: '年内周次', dayNames: ['星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'], dayNamesShort: ['周日', '周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六'], dayNamesMin: ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'], dayStatus: '设置 DD 为一周起始', dateStatus: '选择 m月 d日, DD', dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', firstDay: 1, initStatus: '请选择日期', isRTL: false }; $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['zh-CN']); //汉化 Timepicker $.timepicker.regional['zh-CN'] = { timeOnlyTitle: '选择时间', timeText: '时间', hourText: '小时', minuteText: '分钟', secondText: '秒钟', millisecText: '微秒', timezoneText: '时区', currentText: '现在时间', closeText: '关闭', timeFormat: 'hh:mm', amNames: ['AM', 'A'], pmNames: ['PM', 'P'], ampm: false }; $.timepicker.setDefaults($.timepicker.regional['zh-CN']); })(jQuery);
参数说明: Localization Options
currentText Default: "Now", A Localization Setting - Text for the Now button. closeText Default: "Done", A Localization Setting - Text for the Close button. amNames Default: ['AM', 'A'], A Localization Setting - Array of strings to try and parse against to determine AM. pmNames Default: ['PM', 'P'], A Localization Setting - Array of strings to try and parse against to determine PM. timeFormat Default: "HH:mm", A Localization Setting - String of format tokens to be replaced with the time. See Formatting. timeSuffix Default: "", A Localization Setting - String to place after the formatted time. timeOnlyTitle Default: "Choose Time", A Localization Setting - Title of the wigit when using only timepicker. timeText Default: "Time", A Localization Setting - Label used within timepicker for the formatted time. hourText Default: "Hour", A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the hour slider. minuteText Default: "Minute", A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the minute slider. secondText Default: "Second", A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the second slider. millisecText Default: "Millisecond", A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the millisecond slider. microsecText Default: "Microsecond", A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the microsecond slider. timezoneText Default: "Timezone", A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the timezone slider. isRTL Default: false, A Localization Setting - Right to Left support. Alt Field Options altFieldTimeOnly Default: true - When altField is used from datepicker altField will only receive the formatted time and the original field only receives date. altSeparator Default: (separator option) - String placed between formatted date and formatted time in the altField. altTimeSuffix Default: (timeSuffix option) - String always placed after the formatted time in the altField. altTimeFormat Default: (timeFormat option) - The time format to use with the altField. Timezone Options timezoneList Default: [generated timezones] - An array of timezones used to populate the timezone select. Can be an array of values or an array of objects: { label: "EDT", value: -240 }. The value should be the offset number in minutes. So "-0400" which is the format "-hhmm", would equate to -240 minutes. Time Field Options controlType Default: 'slider' - Whether to use 'slider' or 'select'. If 'slider' is unavailable through jQueryUI, 'select' will be used. For advanced usage you may pass an object which implements "create", "options", "value" methods to use controls other than sliders or selects. See the _controls property in the source code for more details. { create: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val, min, max, step){ // generate whatever controls you want here, just return obj }, options: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, opts, val){ // if val==undefined return the value, else return obj }, value: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val){ // if val==undefined return the value, else return obj } } showHour Default: null - Whether to show the hour control. The default of null will use detection from timeFormat. showMinute Default: null - Whether to show the minute control. The default of null will use detection from timeFormat. showSecond Default: null - Whether to show the second control. The default of null will use detection from timeFormat. showMillisec Default: null - Whether to show the millisecond control. The default of null will use detection from timeFormat. showMicrosec Default: null - Whether to show the microsecond control. The default of null will use detection from timeFormat. showTimezone Default: null - Whether to show the timezone select. showTime Default: true - Whether to show the time selected within the datetimepicker. stepHour Default: 1 - Hours per step the slider makes. stepMinute Default: 1 - Minutes per step the slider makes. stepSecond Default: 1 - Seconds per step the slider makes. stepMillisec Default: 1 - Milliseconds per step the slider makes. stepMicrosec Default: 1 - Microseconds per step the slider makes. hour Default: 0 - Initial hour set. minute Default: 0 - Initial minute set. second Default: 0 - Initial second set. millisec Default: 0 - Initial millisecond set. microsec Default: 0 - Initial microsecond set. Note: Javascript's native Date object does not natively support microseconds. Timepicker adds ability to simply Date.setMicroseconds(m) and Date.getMicroseconds(). Date comparisons will not acknowledge microseconds. Use this only for display purposes. timezone Default: null - Initial timezone set. This is the offset in minutes. If null the browser's local timezone will be used. If you're timezone is "-0400" you would use -240. For backwards compatibility you may pass "-0400", however the timezone is stored in minutes and more reliable. hourMin Default: 0 - The minimum hour allowed for all dates. minuteMin Default: 0 - The minimum minute allowed for all dates. secondMin Default: 0 - The minimum second allowed for all dates. millisecMin Default: 0 - The minimum millisecond allowed for all dates. microsecMin Default: 0 - The minimum microsecond allowed for all dates. hourMax Default: 23 - The maximum hour allowed for all dates. minuteMax Default: 59 - The maximum minute allowed for all dates. secondMax Default: 59 - The maximum second allowed for all dates. millisecMax Default: 999 - The maximum millisecond allowed for all dates. microsecMax Default: 999 - The maximum microsecond allowed for all dates. hourGrid Default: 0 - When greater than 0 a label grid will be generated under the slider. This number represents the units (in hours) between labels. minuteGrid Default: 0 - When greater than 0 a label grid will be generated under the slider. This number represents the units (in minutes) between labels. secondGrid Default: 0 - When greater than 0 a label grid will be genereated under the slider. This number represents the units (in seconds) between labels. millisecGrid Default: 0 - When greater than 0 a label grid will be genereated under the slider. This number represents the units (in milliseconds) between labels. microsecGrid Default: 0 - When greater than 0 a label grid will be genereated under the slider. This number represents the units (in microseconds) between labels. Other Options showButtonPanel Default: true - Whether to show the button panel at the bottom. This is generally needed. timeOnly Default: false - Hide the datepicker and only provide a time interface. onSelect Default: null - Function to be called when a date is chosen or time has changed (parameters: datetimeText, datepickerInstance). alwaysSetTime Default: true - Always have a time set internally, even before user has chosen one. separator Default: " " - When formatting the time this string is placed between the formatted date and formatted time. pickerTimeFormat Default: (timeFormat option) - How to format the time displayed within the timepicker. pickerTimeSuffix Default: (timeSuffix option) - String to place after the formatted time within the timepicker. showTimepicker Default: true - Whether to show the timepicker within the datepicker. addSliderAccess Default: false - Adds the sliderAccess plugin to sliders within timepicker sliderAccessArgs Default: null - Object to pass to sliderAccess when used. defaultValue Default: null - String of the default time value placed in the input on focus when the input is empty. minDateTime Default: null - Date object of the minimum datetime allowed. Also available as minDate. maxDateTime Default: null - Date object of the maximum datetime allowed. Also Available as maxDate. parse Default: 'strict' - How to parse the time string. Two methods are provided: 'strict' which must match the timeFormat exactly, and 'loose' which uses javascript's new Date(timeString) to guess the time. You may also pass in a function(timeFormat, timeString, options) to handle the parsing yourself, returning a simple object: