acmdown 2007-02-27
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <% if request("action") = "1" then word = request("word") url = request("url") if word <> "" then getCategories() if url <> "" then getCategories2() end if end if end if Function getCategories() response.write("<b>'"&word&"' 关键词在Google搜索排名中,前10位网站!</b><br>") on error resume next Dim oXMLHTTP Dim oCategories Dim BodyText Dim Pos,Pos1 Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") http = ""&word&"&hl=zh-CN" "GET",http,False oXMLHTTP.send BodyText=oXMLHTTP.responsebody BodyText=BytesToBstr(BodyText,"UTF-8") Pos=Instr(BodyText,"<body") pos1=Instr(BodyText,"</body>") BodyText=mid(BodyText,pos,pos1) Pos = Instr(BodyText,"<div>") BodyText = Mid(BodyText,Pos) pos1=Instr(BodyText,"</div>") BodyText=mid(BodyText,1,pos1) 'response.write ("::::"&BodyText&"::::") BodyText=split(BodyText,"<p class=g>") for i = 1 to 10 Pos=Instr(BodyText(i),"</a>") thet = Mid(BodyText(i),1,Pos+3) Pos = Instr(BodyText(i),"<span dir=ltr>") theu = Mid(BodyText(i),Pos) pos1=Instr(theu,"</span>") theu=mid(theu,1,pos1-1) response.write("T:"&thet&"<br>") response.write("U:"&theU&"<br><hr>") next Set oXMLHTTP = Nothing if err.number<>0 then response.write "出错了,错误描述:"&err.description & "<br>错误来源"& err.source response.End() end if End Function Function getCategories2() on error resume next Dim oXMLHTTP ' As Object Dim oCategories ' As Object Dim BodyText Dim Pos,Pos1 Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") out = 0 start = 0 pp = 0 do while(true) strurl=""&word&"&hl=zh-CN&start="&start 'response.write(strurl&"<br>") "GET",strurl,False oXMLHTTP.send BodyText=oXMLHTTP.responsebody BodyText=BytesToBstr(BodyText,"gb2312") Pos=Instr(BodyText,"<body") pos1=Instr(BodyText,"</body>") BodyText=mid(BodyText,pos,pos1) Pos = Instr(BodyText,"<div>") BodyText = Mid(BodyText,Pos) pos1=Instr(BodyText,"</div>") BodyText=mid(BodyText,1,pos1) 'response.write ("::::"&BodyText&"::::") BodyText=split(BodyText,"<p class=g>") for i = 1 to 10 Pos = Instr(BodyText(i),"<span dir=ltr>") theu = Mid(BodyText(i),Pos) pos1=Instr(theu,"</span>") theu=mid(theu,1,pos1-1) 'response.write(theu) Pos3=Instr(theu,url) if Pos3 > 0 then pp = start + i out = 1 Exit For end if next if out = 1 or start = 90 then exit do end if start = cint(start)+10 loop if pp <> 0 then response.write("<br><br>网站 <b>'"&url&"'</b> 在搜索关键词 <b>'"&word&"'</b> 时在Google中排名名次 第<b> "&pp&" </b>位 ") else response.write("<br><br>网站 <b>'"&url&"'</b> 在搜索关键词 <b>'"&word&"'</b> 时在Google中排名名次 <font color=red>未在前100名内</font>") end if Set oXMLHTTP = Nothing if err.number<>0 then response.write "出错了,错误描述:"&err.description & "<br>错误来源"& err.source response.End() end if End Function Function BytesToBstr(body,Cset) dim objstream set objstream = Server.CreateObject("") objstream.Type = 1 objstream.Mode =3 objstream.Open objstream.Write body objstream.Position = 0 objstream.Type = 2 objstream.Charset = Cset BytesToBstr = objstream.ReadText objstream.Close set objstream = nothing End Function Public Function HTMLEncode(fString) If Not IsNull(fString) Then fString = replace(fString, ">", ">") fString = replace(fString, "<", "<") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(32), " ") ' fString = Replace(fString, CHR(9), " ") ' fString = Replace(fString, CHR(34), """) fString = Replace(fString, CHR(39), "'") '单引号过滤 fString = Replace(fString, CHR(13), "") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10) & CHR(10), "</P><P> ") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10), "<BR> ") HTMLEncode = fString End If End Function %> <title>关键字,网站在Google中排名查询</title> <hr><hr><b> 关键字,网站在Google中排名查询: <form name="form1" method="post" action="?action=1"> 网址: <input type="text" name="url"> 关键字 <input type="text" name="word"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="提交"> </form> <b> <script> <!-- function ss(w,id){window.status=w;return true;} function cs(){window.status='';} function clk(url,ct,cd,sg){if(document.images){var u="";if (url) u="&url="+escape(url).replace(/\+/g,"%2B");new Image().src="/url?sa=T&ct="+escape(ct)+"&cd="+escape(cd)+u+"&ei=r9vyQ9ypE5GsoQKL4KDyCg"+sg;}return true;} function ga(o,e) {if (document.getElementById) {var a =; var p = "", r = "", t, f, h;var g =;if (g) { t =;f = g.parentNode;if (f) {p =;h = f.parentNode;if (h)r =;}} else {h = e.srcElement;f = h.parentNode;if (f)p =;t =;}if (t==a || p==a || r==a)return true;document.getElementById(a).href += "&ct=bg";,'nw')}} //--> </script>