超哥Blog 2012-03-17
先说一下autoexpect,安装这个之后在命令行运行autoexpect -f xxscript.exp test.sh (加入test.sh是一个需要和用户交互的脚本),接下来按照提示输入,执行完成test.sh之后,打开xxscript.exp,运行xxscript.exp,可以不用交互直接执行test.sh。
example: ./autoscp.exp $user $password $ipaddress $localDir/test.sh $remotedir
#!/usr/bin/expect set username [lindex $argv 0] set password [lindex $argv 1] set remhost [lindex $argv 2] set localfile [lindex $argv 3] set remotedir [lindex $argv 4] spawn scp $localfile $username@$remhost:$remotedir expect { "*re you sure you want to continue connecting*" { send "yes\n" expect { "*assword*" { send "$password\n" } } } "*assword*" { send "$password\n" } } expect eof
example: ./autoscp.ssh $user $password $ipaddress "test.sh"
#!/usr/bin/expect set timeout 3 set username [lindex $argv 0] set password [lindex $argv 1] set remhost [lindex $argv 2] set command [lindex $argv 3] spawn ssh $username@$remhost $command expect { "*re you sure you want to continue connecting*" { send "yes\n" expect { "*assword*" { send "$password\n" } } } "*assword*" { send "$password\n" } } expect eof