wangyangsoftware 2020-06-16
public class DubboNamespaceHandler extends NamespaceHandlerSupport { static { Version.checkDuplicate(DubboNamespaceHandler.class); } public void init() { registerBeanDefinitionParser("application", new DubboBeanDefinitionParser(ApplicationConfig.class, true)); registerBeanDefinitionParser("module", new DubboBeanDefinitionParser(ModuleConfig.class, true)); registerBeanDefinitionParser("registry", new DubboBeanDefinitionParser(RegistryConfig.class, true)); registerBeanDefinitionParser("monitor", new DubboBeanDefinitionParser(MonitorConfig.class, true)); registerBeanDefinitionParser("provider", new DubboBeanDefinitionParser(ProviderConfig.class, true)); registerBeanDefinitionParser("consumer", new DubboBeanDefinitionParser(ConsumerConfig.class, true)); registerBeanDefinitionParser("protocol", new DubboBeanDefinitionParser(ProtocolConfig.class, true)); registerBeanDefinitionParser("service", new DubboBeanDefinitionParser(ServiceBean.class, true)); registerBeanDefinitionParser("reference", new DubboBeanDefinitionParser(ReferenceBean.class, false)); registerBeanDefinitionParser("annotation", new DubboBeanDefinitionParser(AnnotationBean.class, true)); } } 启动大致流程 流程如下 spring容器启动 ServiceBean初始化 事件发布,执行onApplicationEvent,开始执行ServiceBean暴露export操作 启动NettyServer 注册中心服务暴露export 二、ServiceBean执行export 当Spring容器处理完<dubbo:service>标签后,会在Spring容器中生成一个ServiceBean ,服务的发布也会在ServiceBean中完成。不妨看一下ServiceBean的定义 public class ServiceBean<T> extends ServiceConfig<T> implements InitializingBean, DisposableBean, ApplicationContextAware, ApplicationListener, BeanNameAware { }
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { // if (!isDelay()) { // 暴露服务 export(); } }
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) { if (ContextRefreshedEvent.class.getName().equals(event.getClass().getName())) { if (isDelay() && !isExported() && !isUnexported()) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"The service ready on spring started. service: " + getInterface()); } // export(); } } }
public synchronized void export() { // 延时暴露 if (delay != null && delay > 0) { delayExportExecutor.schedule(new Runnable() { public void run() { // 暴露服务 doExport(); } }, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } else { // 直接暴露服务 doExport(); } } protected synchronized void doExport() { // checkApplication(); checkRegistry(); checkProtocol(); appendProperties(this); checkStubAndMock(interfaceClass); if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = interfaceName; } doExportUrls(); } private void doExportUrls() { List<URL> registryURLs = loadRegistries(true); for (ProtocolConfig protocolConfig : protocols) { doExportUrlsFor1Protocol(protocolConfig, registryURLs); } } private void doExportUrlsFor1Protocol(ProtocolConfig protocolConfig, List<URL> registryURLs) { //如果不是remote,则暴露本地服务 if (!Constants.SCOPE_REMOTE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(scope)) { exportLocal(url); } // 如果配置不是local则暴露为远程服务 if (!Constants.SCOPE_LOCAL.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(scope)) { // 如果注册中心地址不为null if (registryURLs != null && registryURLs.size() > 0) { for (URL registryURL : registryURLs) { url = url.addParameterIfAbsent("dynamic", registryURL.getParameter("dynamic")); // 忽略不相干的代码 ... // 通过代理工厂将ref对象转化成invoker对象 Invoker<?> invoker = proxyFactory.getInvoker(ref, (Class) interfaceClass, registryURL.addParameterAndEncoded(Constants.EXPORT_KEY, url.toFullString())); // 代理invoker对象 DelegateProviderMetaDataInvoker wrapperInvoker = new DelegateProviderMetaDataInvoker(invoker, this); // 暴露服务 Exporter<?> exporter = protocol.export(wrapperInvoker); // 一个服务可能有多个提供者,保存在一起 exporters.add(exporter); } } else { Invoker<?> invoker = proxyFactory.getInvoker(ref, (Class) interfaceClass, url); DelegateProviderMetaDataInvoker wrapperInvoker = new DelegateProviderMetaDataInvoker(invoker, this); Exporter<?> exporter = protocol.export(wrapperInvoker); exporters.add(exporter); } } } public <T> Exporter<T> export(Invoker<T> invoker) throws RpcException { URL url = invoker.getUrl(); //忽略若干代码 //打开服务 openServer(url); optimizeSerialization(url); return exporter; } private void openServer(URL url) { String key = url.getAddress(); boolean isServer = url.getParameter(Constants.IS_SERVER_KEY, true); //是否server端 if (isServer) { ExchangeServer server = serverMap.get(key); if (server == null) { //如果服务不存在,创建服务 serverMap.put(key, createServer(url)); } else { server.reset(url); } } } private ExchangeServer createServer(URL url) { //忽略若干代码 ExchangeServer server; try { server = Exchangers.bind(url, requestHandler); } catch (RemotingException e) { throw new RpcException("Fail to start server(url: " + url + ") " + e.getMessage(), e); } return server; } 生成的Adpative import; public class Protocol$Adpative implements { public void destroy() { // 抛出异常,省略 } public int getDefaultPort() { // 抛出异常,省略 } // export public export( arg0) throws RpcException { if (arg0 == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(" argument == null"); if (arg0.getUrl() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(" argument getUrl() == null"); url = arg0.getUrl(); String extName = ( url.getProtocol() == null ? "dubbo" : url.getProtocol() ); if(extName == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension( name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([protocol])"); Protocol extension = (Protocol)ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Protocol.class).getExtension(extName); return extension.export(arg0); } public Invoker refer(java.lang.Class arg0, arg1) throws RpcException { if (arg1 == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null"); url = arg1; String extName = ( url.getProtocol() == null ? "dubbo" : url.getProtocol() ); if(extName == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension( name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([protocol])"); Protocol extension = (Protocol)ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Protocol.class).getExtension(extName); return extension.refer(arg0, arg1); } }