PythonBiglove 2016-02-10
#本游戏python3.4.0下编写调试,只能在windows下运行。 import random import subprocess import time #定义函数 def draw_board(the_board):"cls", shell = True) print(' -------\n' + ' |' + the_board[9] + '|' + the_board[8] + '|' + the_board[7] + '|\n' + ' -------\n' + ' |' + the_board[6] + '|' + the_board[5] + '|' + the_board[4] + '|\n' + ' -------\n' + ' |' + the_board[3] + '|' + the_board[2] + '|' + the_board[1] + '|\n' + ' -------') def input_player_letter(): letter = ' ' while not (letter == 'X' or letter == 'O'): print('请选择X或O作棋子:', end = '') letter = input().upper() if letter == 'X': return ['X', 'O'] else: return ['O', 'X'] def who_first(): if 1 == random.randint(1, 2): return 'computer' else: return 'player' def is_again(): print('再一次?(Yes or No)') return input().lower().startswith('y') def is_space_free(the_board, move): return the_board[move] == ' ' def choose_random_from_list(the_board, move_from_list): possible_moves = [] for i in move_from_list: if is_space_free(the_board, i): possible_moves.append(i) if len(possible_moves) != 0: return random.choice(possible_moves) else: return None def make_move(the_board, the_letter, the_move): the_board[the_move] = the_letter def get_board_copy(the_board): duplicated_board = [] for i in board: duplicated_board.append(i) return duplicated_board def is_board_full(the_board): for i in range(1, 9): if is_space_free(the_board, i): return False else: return True def get_player_move(the_board): the_move = 0 while the_move not in list(range(1, 9)) or not is_space_free(the_board, the_move): print('请输入走步:', end = '') the_move = int(input()) return the_move def is_winner(the_board, the_letter): return (the_board[1] == the_letter and the_board[2] == the_letter and the_board[3] == the_letter) or (the_board[4] == the_letter and the_board[5] == the_letter and the_board[6] == the_letter) or (the_board[7] == the_letter and the_board[8] == the_letter and the_board[9] == the_letter) or (the_board[1] == the_letter and the_board[5] == the_letter and the_board[9] == the_letter) or (the_board[2] == the_letter and the_board[5] == the_letter and the_board[8] == the_letter) or (the_board[3] == the_letter and the_board[5] == the_letter and the_board[7] == the_letter) or (the_board[1] == the_letter and the_board[4] == the_letter and the_board[7] == the_letter) or (the_board[2] == the_letter and the_board[5] == the_letter and the_board[8] == the_letter) or (the_board[3] == the_letter and the_board[6] == the_letter and the_board[9] == the_letter) def get_computer_move(the_board, computer_letter): global player_letter global move if player_letter == 'X': computer_letter = 'O' else: player_letter = 'O' computer_letter = 'X' #虚拟棋盘查看是否自己可一步得胜 for i in range(1,9): copy = get_board_copy(board) if is_space_free(board, i): make_move(copy, computer_letter, i) if is_winner(copy, computer_letter): return i #虚拟棋盘查看是否对手可一步得胜 for i in range(1,9): if is_space_free(board, i): copy = get_board_copy(board) make_move(copy, player_letter, i) if is_winner(copy, player_letter): return i move = choose_random_from_list(board, [1, 3, 7, 9]) if move != 0: return move if is_space_free(board, 5): return 5 return choose_random_from_list(board, [2, 4, 6, 8, 7]) print('欢迎玩 井字棋 游戏!') time.sleep(1) print('''}|||}|||||||y|||}}||zy}|||||||| }}}zy}}|z{}|y|}~~}}}{y}}}}}}}}| }|}| x|yz|}|y}}~}|}~{y}}}}}}}}| }|}}| z}|}|y}~}||}~|y}}}}}}}}| }}}}}z x|}}{y~~}||}~|x}}}}}}}}| }|}}zyzxx|}{y~~}|}~~|y}}}|||||| }|}zx|}zxx||y}~}}~}}{y}|||||}}| }|}{|}}}{yyzz}}~~}}}|y}}}}}}}}} }|{{{{{{{{z y|{{z{{{zy|{{|||||| }|yyyyzzzzzy xzyzzzzy yzyzzzzz| }|}}}~~~~}}|yx{}}}{|{y}}}}}}}}| }|}|}~}}}}}{{{ z}yy|{y}||}||}}| }||}}~}|}~}{z}y yz|}{y}||||||}| }||}~}||}~~{z}|y z}|{y}|||||}}| }||}~}|}}~}zy}{yyxz}|y}||}}}}}| }|}}~}}~~}}{y{x{|yxy|y}|}}}}}}| }||}}}~}}}}{xz{}}{yxxy}||}}}}}| }|yyyyzyyyyyxzzzzyxx yyyyyyz{| }}}}}||||||{x||||{||{ x|}||||}} }}}}}}}}}}}|y}}}}}}}{yzy}}}}||} }}}}}}}}}}}|y}}}}}}}{y}yx|}zz}} }}}}}}}}}}}{y}}}}}}}{y}|xxzy|}} }}}}}}}}}}}{z}}}}}}}{z}}{x |~}| }}}}}}}}}}}{y}}}}}}}{z}}{xxx|}| }}}}}}}}}}}{y}}}}}}}{z}{y{zx |} }}}}}}}}}}}|z}}}}}}}|z|x{}}zx { }}}}}}}}}}}|{}}}}}}}{z}|}}}}{zy''') time.sleep(2)"cls", shell = True) while True: board = [' '] * 10 player_letter, computer_letter = input_player_letter() turn = who_first() print(turn + '先走') time.sleep(1) game_is_playing = True while game_is_playing: if turn == 'player': draw_board(board) move = get_player_move(board) make_move(board, player_letter, move) if is_winner(board, player_letter): draw_board(board) print('恭喜!你赢了。') game_is_playinig = False else: if is_board_full(board): draw_board(board) print('平局!') break else: turn = 'computer' else: move = get_computer_move(board, computer_letter) make_move(board, computer_letter, move) if is_winner(board, computer_letter): draw_board(board) print('电脑胜利,你挂了!') game_is_playing = False else: if is_board_full(board): draw_board(board) print('平局!') break else: turn = 'player' if not is_again(): break