
outsiderlcy 2019-12-05






Valentin D. https://dev.to/yashyashwanth/jsx-extension-5ffe 写道
You can always use .js extension if you want, but it's generally better to use .jsx when your file contains JSX so it's simpler for you to understand what the file will actually contain.

.js --> only js
.jsx --> contains JSX (reactjs.org/docs/introducing-jsx.html)


https://github.com/airbnb/javascript/pull/985#issuecomment-237038754 写道
Thanks, but no. At Airbnb we believe that only JavaScript should ever go in .js files. JSX is not standard JS, and is not likely to ever be - if that changes, then our stance may as well.

You never need extensions whether it's .js or .jsx - and in fact, our linter config requires (or will soon require) that you omit file extensions in all cases.

The reason to differentiate is the same reason we only use stage 3 and above proposals: if it's not standard, it is not javascript.



https://github.com/airbnb/javascript/issues/1235#issuecomment-428413675 写道
It seems like the react team at facebook and the airbnb team that own the most popular javascript style guide here are at odds with each other over file extensions.

Airbnb team seems adamant about not having any non standard code in a js file re this issue (#1235)

and this pull #985

and names any files with the stuff should have jsx

Facebook team seems adamant that js should be the only extension no matter what is in the file

facebook/create-react-app#87 (comment)

For my (and probably others) future reference when setting up a new js repo with the eslint-config-airbnb


 eslint中使用 eslint-config-airbnb 风格规范的,对包含JSX语法的js文件可能会有些提示?(没有验证过)



兼容性上看js文件名方便,不需额外处理识别其他文件名后缀类型,或者统一处理?以不变应万变?= =





