WisdomXLH 2019-06-27
递归神经网络(RNN),时间递归神经网络(recurrent neural network),结构递归神经网络(recursive neural network)。时间递归神经网络神经元间连接构成有向图,结构递归神经网络利用相似神经网络结构递归构造更复杂深度网络。两者训练属同一算法变体。
时间递归神经网络。传统神经网络FNN(Feed-Forward Neural Networks),前向反馈神经网络。RNN引入定向循环,神经元为节点组成有向环,可表达前后关联关系。隐藏层节点间构成全连接,一个隐藏层节点输出可作另一个隐藏层节点或自己的输入。U、V、W是变换概率矩阵,x是输入,o是输出。RNN关键是隐藏层,隐藏层捕捉序列信息,记忆能力。RNN中U、V、W参数共享,每一步都在做相同事情,输入不同,降低参数个数和计算量。RNN在NLP应用较多,语言模型在已知已出现词情况下预测下一个词概率,是时序模型,下一个词出现取决于前几个词,对应RNN隐藏层间内部连接。
RNN的训练方法。用BP误差反向传播算法更新训练参数。从输入到输出经过步骤不确定,利用时序方式做前向计算,假设x表示输入值,s表示输入x经过U矩阵变换后值,h表示隐藏层激活值,o表示输出层值, f表示隐藏层激活函数,g表示输出层激活函数。当t=0时,输入为x0, 隐藏层为h0。当t=1时,输入为x1, s1 = Ux1+Wh0, h1 = f(s1), o1 = g(Vh1)。当t=2时,s2 = Ux2+Wh1, h2 = f(s2), o2 = g(Vh2)。st = Uxt + Wh(t-1), ht = f(st), ot = g(Vht)。h=f(现有的输入+过去记忆总结),对RNN记忆能力全然体现。
UVW变换概率矩阵,x输入,s xU矩阵变换后值,f隐藏层激活函数,h隐藏层激活值,g输出层激活函数,o输出。时间、输入、变换(输入、前隐藏)、隐藏(变换)、输出(隐藏)。输出(隐藏(变换(时间、输入、前隐藏)))。反向修正参数,每一步输出o和实际o值误差,用误差反向推导,链式求导求每层梯度,更新参数。
LSTM(Long Short Tem Momery networks)。RNN存在长序列依赖(Long-Term Dependencies)问题。下一个词出现概率和非常久远之前词有关,考虑到计算量,限制依赖长度。http://colah.github.io/posts/... 。传统RNN示意图,只包含一个隐藏层,tanh为激发函数,“记忆”体现在t滑动窗口,有多少个t就有多少记忆。
基于CNN系统设计,sparse interaction(稀疏交互),parameter sharing(参数共享),equivalent respresentation(等价表示),适合自动问答系统答案选择模型训练。
通用训练方法。训练时获取问题词向量Vq(词向量可用google word2vec训练,和一个正向答案词向量Va+,和一个负向答案词向量Va-, 比较问题和两个答案相似度,两个相似度差值大于一个阈值m更新模型参数,在候选池里选答案,小于m不更新模型。参数更新,梯度下降、链式求导。测试数据,计算问题和候选答案cos距离,相似度最大是正确答案预测。
神经网络结构设计。HL hide layer隐藏层,激活函数z = tanh(Wx+B),CNN 卷积层,P 池化层,池化步长 1,T tanh层,P+T输出是向量表示,最终输出两个向量cos相似度。HL或CNN连起来表示共享相同权重。CNN输出维数取决做多少卷积特征。论文《Applying Deep Learning To Answer Selection- A Study And An Open Task》。
深度学习运用到聊天机器人中,1. 神经网络结构选择、组合、优化。2. 自然语言处理,机器识别词向量。3. 相似或匹配关系考虑相似度计算,典型方法 cos距离。4. 文本序列全局信息用CNN或LSTM。5. 精度不高可加层。6. 计算量过大,参数共享和池化。
方法调用时增加传参 dont_filter=True:
# coding:utf-8 import sys import importlib importlib.reload(sys) import scrapy from subtitle_crawler.items import SubtitleCrawlerItem class SubTitleSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = "subtitle" allowed_domains = ["zimuku.net"] start_urls = [ "http://www.zimuku.net/search?q=&t=onlyst&ad=1&p=20", "http://www.zimuku.net/search?q=&t=onlyst&ad=1&p=21", "http://www.zimuku.net/search?q=&t=onlyst&ad=1&p=22", ] def parse(self, response): hrefs = response.selector.xpath('//div[contains(@class, "persub")]/h1/a/@href').extract() for href in hrefs: url = response.urljoin(href) request = scrapy.Request(url, callback=self.parse_detail, dont_filter=True) yield request def parse_detail(self, response): url = response.selector.xpath('//li[contains(@class, "dlsub")]/div/a/@href').extract()[0] print("processing: ", url) request = scrapy.Request(url, callback=self.parse_file, dont_filter=True) yield request def parse_file(self, response): body = response.body item = SubtitleCrawlerItem() item['url'] = response.url item['body'] = body return item # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class SubtitleCrawlerPipeline(object): def process_item(self, item, spider): url = item['url'] file_name = url.replace('/','_').replace(':','_')+'.rar' fp = open('result/'+file_name, 'wb+') fp.write(item['body']) fp.close() return item ls result/|head -1 , ls result/|wc -l , du -hs result/ 。
字幕文件解压,linux直接执行unzip file.zip。linux解压rar文件,http://www.rarlab.com/downloa... 。wget http://www.rarlab.com/rar/rar... 。tar zxvf rarlinux-x64-5.4.0.tar.gz
./rar/unrar 。解压命令,unrar x file.rar 。linux解压7z文件,http://downloads.sourceforge.... 下载源文件,解压执行make编译 bin/7za可用,用法 bin/7za x file.7z。
程序和脚本在https://github.com/warmheartl... 。第一步:爬取影视剧字幕。第二步:压缩格式分类。文件多无法ls、文件名带特殊字符、文件名重名误覆盖、扩展名千奇百怪,python脚本mv_zip.py:
import glob import os import fnmatch import shutil import sys def iterfindfiles(path, fnexp): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, fnexp): yield os.path.join(root, filename) i=0 for filename in iterfindfiles(r"./input/", "*.ZIP"): i=i+1 newfilename = "zip/" + str(i) + "_" + os.path.basename(filename) print(filename + " <===> " + newfilename) shutil.move(filename, newfilename) #sys.exit(-1)
i=0; for file in `ls`; do mkdir output/${i}; echo "unzip $file -d output/${i}";unzip -P abc $file -d output/${i} > /dev/null; ((i++)); done i=0; for file in `ls`; do mkdir output/${i}; echo "${i} unrar x $file output/${i}";unrar x $file output/${i} > /dev/null; ((i++)); done
第四步:srt、ass、ssa字幕文件分类整理。字幕文件类型srt、lrc、ass、ssa、sup、idx、str、vtt。第五步:清理目录。自动清理空目录脚本clear_empty_dir.py :
import glob import os import fnmatch import shutil import sys def iterfindfiles(path, fnexp): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if 0 == len(files) and len(dirs) == 0: print(root) os.rmdir(root) iterfindfiles(r"./input/", "*.srt")
第六步:清理非字幕文件。批量删除脚本del_file.py :
import glob import os import fnmatch import shutil import sys def iterfindfiles(path, fnexp): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, fnexp): yield os.path.join(root, filename) for suffix in ("*.mp4", "*.txt", "*.JPG", "*.htm", "*.doc", "*.docx", "*.nfo", "*.sub", "*.idx"): for filename in iterfindfiles(r"./input/", suffix): print(filename) os.remove(filename)
第七步:多层解压缩。第八步:舍弃剩余少量文件。无扩展名、特殊扩展名、少量压缩文件,总体不超过50M。第九步:编码识别与转码。utf-8、utf-16、gbk、unicode、iso8859,统一utf-8,get_charset_and_conv.py :
import chardet import sys import os if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 2: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]): for file in files: file_path = root + "/" + file f = open(file_path,'r') data = f.read() f.close() encoding = chardet.detect(data)["encoding"] if encoding not in ("UTF-8-SIG", "UTF-16LE", "utf-8", "ascii"): try: gb_content = data.decode("gb18030") gb_content.encode('utf-8') f = open(file_path, 'w') f.write(gb_content.encode('utf-8')) f.close() except: print("except:", file_path)
第十步:筛选中文。extract_sentence_srt.py :
# coding:utf-8 import chardet import os import re cn=ur"([u4e00-u9fa5]+)" pattern_cn = re.compile(cn) jp1=ur"([u3040-u309F]+)" pattern_jp1 = re.compile(jp1) jp2=ur"([u30A0-u30FF]+)" pattern_jp2 = re.compile(jp2) for root, dirs, files in os.walk("./srt"): file_count = len(files) if file_count > 0: for index, file in enumerate(files): f = open(root + "/" + file, "r") content = f.read() f.close() encoding = chardet.detect(content)["encoding"] try: for sentence in content.decode(encoding).split('n'): if len(sentence) > 0: match_cn = pattern_cn.findall(sentence) match_jp1 = pattern_jp1.findall(sentence) match_jp2 = pattern_jp2.findall(sentence) sentence = sentence.strip() if len(match_cn)>0 and len(match_jp1)==0 and len(match_jp2) == 0 and len(sentence)>1 and len(sentence.split(' ')) < 10: print(sentence.encode('utf-8')) except: continue
# coding:utf-8 import chardet import os import re cn=ur"([u4e00-u9fa5]+)" pattern_cn = re.compile(cn) jp1=ur"([u3040-u309F]+)" pattern_jp1 = re.compile(jp1) jp2=ur"([u30A0-u30FF]+)" pattern_jp2 = re.compile(jp2) for root, dirs, files in os.walk("./ssa"): file_count = len(files) if file_count > 0: for index, file in enumerate(files): f = open(root + "/" + file, "r") content = f.read() f.close() encoding = chardet.detect(content)["encoding"] try: for line in content.decode(encoding).split('n'): if line.find('Dialogue') == 0 and len(line) < 500: fields = line.split(',') sentence = fields[len(fields)-1] tag_fields = sentence.split('}') if len(tag_fields) > 1: sentence = tag_fields[len(tag_fields)-1] match_cn = pattern_cn.findall(sentence) match_jp1 = pattern_jp1.findall(sentence) match_jp2 = pattern_jp2.findall(sentence) sentence = sentence.strip() if len(match_cn)>0 and len(match_jp1)==0 and len(match_jp2) == 0 and len(sentence)>1 and len(sentence.split(' ')) < 10: sentence = sentence.replace('N', '') print(sentence.encode('utf-8')) except: continue
# coding:utf-8 import sys import re import chardet if __name__ == '__main__': #illegal=ur"([u2000-u2010]+)" illegal=ur"([u0000-u2010]+)" pattern_illegals = [re.compile(ur"([u2000-u2010]+)"), re.compile(ur"([u0090-u0099]+)")] filters = ["字幕", "时间轴:", "校对:", "翻译:", "后期:", "监制:"] filters.append("时间轴:") filters.append("校对:") filters.append("翻译:") filters.append("后期:") filters.append("监制:") filters.append("禁止用作任何商业盈利行为") filters.append("http") htmltagregex = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>',re.S) brace_regex = re.compile(r'{.*}',re.S) slash_regex = re.compile(r'\w',re.S) repeat_regex = re.compile(r'[-=]{10}',re.S) f = open("./corpus/all.out", "r") count=0 while True: line = f.readline() if line: line = line.strip() # 编码识别,不是utf-8就过滤 gb_content = '' try: gb_content = line.decode("utf-8") except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("decode error: ", line) continue # 中文识别,不是中文就过滤 need_continue = False for pattern_illegal in pattern_illegals: match_illegal = pattern_illegal.findall(gb_content) if len(match_illegal) > 0: sys.stderr.write("match_illegal error: %sn" % line) need_continue = True break if need_continue: continue # 关键词过滤 need_continue = False for filter in filters: try: line.index(filter) sys.stderr.write("filter keyword of %s %sn" % (filter, line)) need_continue = True break except: pass if need_continue: continue # 去掉剧集信息 if re.match('.*第.*季.*', line): sys.stderr.write("filter copora %sn" % line) continue if re.match('.*第.*集.*', line): sys.stderr.write("filter copora %sn" % line) continue if re.match('.*第.*帧.*', line): sys.stderr.write("filter copora %sn" % line) continue # 去html标签 line = htmltagregex.sub('',line) # 去花括号修饰 line = brace_regex.sub('', line) # 去转义 line = slash_regex.sub('', line) # 去重复 new_line = repeat_regex.sub('', line) if len(new_line) != len(line): continue # 去特殊字符 line = line.replace('-', '').strip() if len(line) > 0: sys.stdout.write("%sn" % line) count+=1 else: break f.close() pass
《Python 自然语言处理》