学习 nodejs - 环境安装配置

sunwukong 2014-10-05


Installing on Windows

Manual install

Installing Node manually is recommended as a workaround for any problems with automatic install. You also have much better understanding of the things that happen if you do those things yourself.

The http://nodejs.org/dist/latest/ directory contains executables of the last version of Node.js engine (the engine only, i.e. without npm):

The http://nodejs.org/dist/npm/ directory contains the latest .zip archive of npm (such as npm-1.1.16.zip when npm v1.1.16 was the latest).

Manual installation steps:

  1. Make a clean directory and add that directory to your system's PATHvariable.

  2. Download the latest node.exe to that directory.

  3. Download the latest npm's .zip file and unpack its contents to the same directory.

Then, with the usual help of PATH, you'll be able to run scripts (node scriptname.js) and install modules (npm install modulename) in any directory.

Manual update

To update Node, download the latest http://nodejs.org/dist/latest/node.exe (orhttp://nodejs.org/dist/latest/x64/node.exe for 64bit systems) and replace your oldnode.exe with it.

To update npm, run the npm update npm -g command.

Automatic install (with Microsoft Installer)

The http://nodejs.org/dist/latest/ directory contains the latest .msi package (such as node-v0.6.15.msi when Node v0.6.15 was the latest) that you may use to install both Node.js engine and npm.





普罗旺斯的梦 / 0评论 2019-11-04