
jhshanyu00 2020-05-03



from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
import cvxopt
from mlfromscratch.utils import train_test_split, normalize, accuracy_score
from mlfromscratch.utils.kernels import *
from mlfromscratch.utils import Plot

# Hide cvxopt output
cvxopt.solvers.options[‘show_progress‘] = False

class SupportVectorMachine(object):
    """The Support Vector Machine classifier.
    Uses cvxopt to solve the quadratic optimization problem.

    C: float
        Penalty term.
    kernel: function
        Kernel function. Can be either polynomial, rbf or linear.
    power: int
        The degree of the polynomial kernel. Will be ignored by the other
        kernel functions.
    gamma: float
        Used in the rbf kernel function.
    coef: float
        Bias term used in the polynomial kernel function.
    def __init__(self, C=1, kernel=rbf_kernel, power=4, gamma=None, coef=4):
        self.C = C
        self.kernel = kernel
        self.power = power
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.coef = coef
        self.lagr_multipliers = None
        self.support_vectors = None
        self.support_vector_labels = None
        self.intercept = None

    def fit(self, X, y):
        n_samples, n_features = np.shape(X)
        # Set gamma to 1/n_features by default
        if not self.gamma:
            self.gamma = 1 / n_features

        # Initialize kernel method with parameters
        self.kernel = self.kernel(

        # Calculate kernel matrix
        kernel_matrix = np.zeros((n_samples, n_samples))
        for i in range(n_samples):
            for j in range(n_samples):
                kernel_matrix[i, j] = self.kernel(X[i], X[j])

        # Define the quadratic optimization problem
        P = cvxopt.matrix(np.outer(y, y) * kernel_matrix, tc=‘d‘)
        q = cvxopt.matrix(np.ones(n_samples) * -1)
        A = cvxopt.matrix(y, (1, n_samples), tc=‘d‘)
        b = cvxopt.matrix(0, tc=‘d‘)

        if not self.C:
            G = cvxopt.matrix(np.identity(n_samples) * -1)
            h = cvxopt.matrix(np.zeros(n_samples))
            G_max = np.identity(n_samples) * -1
            G_min = np.identity(n_samples)
            G = cvxopt.matrix(np.vstack((G_max, G_min)))
            h_max = cvxopt.matrix(np.zeros(n_samples))
            h_min = cvxopt.matrix(np.ones(n_samples) * self.C)
            h = cvxopt.matrix(np.vstack((h_max, h_min)))

        # Solve the quadratic optimization problem using cvxopt
        minimization = cvxopt.solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)

        # Lagrange multipliers
        lagr_mult = np.ravel(minimization[‘x‘])

        # Extract support vectors
        # Get indexes of non-zero lagr. multipiers
        idx = lagr_mult > 1e-7
        # Get the corresponding lagr. multipliers
        self.lagr_multipliers = lagr_mult[idx]
        # Get the samples that will act as support vectors
        self.support_vectors = X[idx]
        # Get the corresponding labels
        self.support_vector_labels = y[idx]

        # Calculate intercept with first support vector
        self.intercept = self.support_vector_labels[0]
        for i in range(len(self.lagr_multipliers)):
            self.intercept -= self.lagr_multipliers[i] * self.support_vector_labels[
                i] * self.kernel(self.support_vectors[i], self.support_vectors[0])

    def predict(self, X):
        y_pred = []
        # Iterate through list of samples and make predictions
        for sample in X:
            prediction = 0
            # Determine the label of the sample by the support vectors
            for i in range(len(self.lagr_multipliers)):
                prediction += self.lagr_multipliers[i] * self.support_vector_labels[
                    i] * self.kernel(self.support_vectors[i], sample)
            prediction += self.intercept
        return np.array(y_pred)









import numpy as np

def linear_kernel(**kwargs):
    def f(x1, x2):
        return np.inner(x1, x2)
    return f

def polynomial_kernel(power, coef, **kwargs):
    def f(x1, x2):
        return (np.inner(x1, x2) + coef)**power
    return f

def rbf_kernel(gamma, **kwargs):
    def f(x1, x2):
        distance = np.linalg.norm(x1 - x2) ** 2
        return np.exp(-gamma * distance)
    return f



from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets

# Import helper functions
import sys
sys.path.append("/content/drive/My Drive/learn/ML-From-Scratch/")
from mlfromscratch.utils import train_test_split, normalize, accuracy_score, Plot
from mlfromscratch.utils.kernels import *
from mlfromscratch.supervised_learning import SupportVectorMachine

def main():
    data = datasets.load_iris()
    X = normalize([ != 0])
    y =[ != 0]
    y[y == 1] = -1
    y[y == 2] = 1
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.33)

    clf = SupportVectorMachine(kernel=polynomial_kernel, power=4, coef=1), y_train)
    y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)

    accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)

    print ("Accuracy:", accuracy)

    # Reduce dimension to two using PCA and plot the results
    Plot().plot_in_2d(X_test, y_pred, title="Support Vector Machine", accuracy=accuracy)

if __name__ == "__main__":


(67, 4) (67,)



[[0.69198788 0.34599394 0.58626751 0.24027357]
 [0.70779525 0.31850786 0.60162596 0.1887454 ]
 [0.73239618 0.38547167 0.53966034 0.15418867]
 [0.69299099 0.34199555 0.60299216 0.19799743]
 [0.72712585 0.26661281 0.60593821 0.18178146]]
[ 1 -1 -1  1  1]

这里使用的核函数是多项式核函数,上面已经给出了其具体代码,这里设定power=4, coef=1。






P: (67, 67)
q: (67, 1)
A: (1, 67)
b: (1, 1)


G: (134, 67)
h: (134, 1)


‘x‘: <67x1 matrix, tc=‘d‘>, 
‘y‘: <1x1 matrix, tc=‘d‘>, 
‘s‘: <134x1 matrix, tc=‘d‘>, 
‘z‘: <134x1 matrix, tc=‘d‘>, 
‘status‘: ‘optimal‘, 
‘gap‘: 6.025067170026107e-06, 
‘relative gap‘: 2.658291994898124e-07, 
‘primal objective‘: -22.66518193482733, 
‘dual objective‘: -22.6651879598945, 
‘primal infeasibility‘: 5.244963534670188e-16, 
‘dual infeasibility‘: 1.4242235222101717e-14, 
‘primal slack‘: 1.992950796227594e-08, 
‘dual slack‘: 2.0187091588623967e-08, 
‘iterations‘: 8

接着取出键为x的那一项<67x1 matrix, tc=‘d‘>,再分别计算以下项:

lagr_mult: [9.99999993e-01 3.11335122e-07 5.76626923e-08 9.99999986e-01
 9.99999960e-01 8.40647046e-09 1.62550393e-08 9.99999990e-01
 8.80788872e-09 7.47600294e-09 9.99999993e-01 1.38140431e-08
 9.99999841e-01 1.84408877e-08 4.45365428e-08 9.99999993e-01
 9.99999994e-01 7.31294539e-09 9.99999981e-01 2.81302345e-01
 4.29885349e-08 9.99999993e-01 6.50674166e-08 1.53345935e-08
 9.99999997e-01 9.99999980e-01 1.60572220e-08 4.62959213e-09
 1.74974625e-08 9.99999994e-01 6.71173485e-09 1.57489685e-08
 9.99999965e-01 9.99999988e-01 1.01875501e-08 3.19854125e-01
 1.93465392e-08 9.99999991e-01 9.99999969e-01 1.58210493e-08
 9.99999992e-01 6.53854743e-08 9.49484746e-09 9.99999991e-01
 9.99999975e-01 1.33182181e-08 2.74386270e-07 9.99999985e-01
 9.58193356e-09 1.42607893e-08 1.44826324e-08 9.99999988e-01
 9.99999991e-01 1.05018808e-08 9.99999983e-01 8.02961322e-09
 6.01155709e-01 3.54164542e-07 9.99999994e-01 9.99999972e-01
 3.49899863e-08 1.56995796e-08 9.99999986e-01 9.99999949e-01
 1.95124926e-08 1.13750234e-07 3.24069998e-09]
idx: [ True  True False  True  True False False  True False False  True False
  True False False  True  True False  True  True False  True False False
  True  True False False False  True False False  True  True False  True
 False  True  True False  True False False  True  True False  True  True
 False False False  True  True False  True False  True  True  True  True
 False False  True  True False  True False]
self.lagr_multipliers: [9.99999993e-01 3.11335122e-07 9.99999986e-01 9.99999960e-01
 9.99999990e-01 9.99999993e-01 9.99999841e-01 9.99999993e-01
 9.99999994e-01 9.99999981e-01 2.81302345e-01 9.99999993e-01
 9.99999997e-01 9.99999980e-01 9.99999994e-01 9.99999965e-01
 9.99999988e-01 3.19854125e-01 9.99999991e-01 9.99999969e-01
 9.99999992e-01 9.99999991e-01 9.99999975e-01 2.74386270e-07
 9.99999985e-01 9.99999988e-01 9.99999991e-01 9.99999983e-01
 6.01155709e-01 3.54164542e-07 9.99999994e-01 9.99999972e-01
 9.99999986e-01 9.99999949e-01 1.13750234e-07]
self.support_vectors: [[0.72785195 0.32870733 0.56349829 0.21131186]
 [0.71491405 0.30207636 0.59408351 0.21145345]
 [0.72460233 0.37623583 0.54345175 0.19508524]
 [0.76467269 0.31486523 0.53976896 0.15743261]
 [0.73122464 0.31338199 0.56873028 0.20892133]
 [0.71562645 0.3523084  0.56149152 0.22019275]
 [0.71366557 0.28351098 0.61590317 0.17597233]
 [0.71066905 0.35533453 0.56853524 0.21320072]
 [0.73089855 0.30454106 0.58877939 0.1624219 ]
 [0.73544284 0.35458851 0.55158213 0.1707278 ]
 [0.71524936 0.40530797 0.53643702 0.19073316]
 [0.71171214 0.35002236 0.57170319 0.21001342]
 [0.70779525 0.31850786 0.60162596 0.1887454 ]
 [0.73659895 0.33811099 0.56754345 0.14490471]
 [0.72366005 0.32162669 0.58582004 0.17230001]
 [0.72634846 0.38046824 0.54187901 0.18446945]
 [0.73081412 0.34743622 0.56308629 0.16772783]
 [0.75519285 0.33928954 0.53629637 0.16417236]
 [0.75384916 0.31524601 0.54825394 0.17818253]
 [0.72155725 0.32308533 0.56001458 0.24769876]
 [0.70631892 0.37838513 0.5675777  0.18919257]
 [0.71529453 0.31790868 0.59607878 0.17882363]
 [0.73260391 0.36029701 0.55245541 0.1681386 ]
 [0.70558934 0.32722984 0.58287815 0.23519645]
 [0.69299099 0.34199555 0.60299216 0.19799743]
 [0.73350949 0.35452959 0.55013212 0.18337737]
 [0.73337886 0.32948905 0.54206264 0.24445962]
 [0.74714194 0.33960997 0.54337595 0.17659719]
 [0.71576546 0.30196356 0.59274328 0.21249287]
 [0.69589887 0.34794944 0.57629125 0.25008866]
 [0.69333409 0.38518561 0.57777841 0.1925928 ]
 [0.69595601 0.3427843  0.59208198 0.21813547]
 [0.70610474 0.3258945  0.59747324 0.1955367 ]
 [0.76923077 0.30769231 0.53846154 0.15384615]
 [0.73923462 0.37588201 0.52623481 0.187941  ]]
self.support_vector_labels: [ 1  1 -1 -1  1  1  1  1  1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1
  1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1  1  1 -1 -1]


# Calculate intercept with first support vector
        self.intercept = self.support_vector_labels[0]
        for i in range(len(self.lagr_multipliers)):
            self.intercept -= self.lagr_multipliers[i] * self.support_vector_labels[
                i] * self.kernel(self.support_vectors[i], self.support_vectors[0])



Accuracy: 0.8787878787878788

