tengmuxin 2012-01-15
AMQP(Advanced Message Queue Protocol)是一个消息client和broker交互的规范。是一个关于client到消息broker的wire-level协议通信的规范。不像ActiveMQ一样是一个消息系统,而仅仅是一个消息协议。
ActiveMQ的目标是最终会支持AMQP 1.0规范,以及其他开放的协议。
ActiveMQ已经支持的两种open wire 协议:
Through these protocols, ActiveMQ can support clients in C, C++, C#, Ruby, Python, Perl, PHP, Pike etc. AMQP is most similar to OpenWire, because both OpenWire and AMQP are designed for high performance messaging, through a binary (rather than text-based) format. As a text-based format, STOMP is much easier to implement, but gives somewhat slower performance.
通过这些协议,ActiveMQ可以支持各种环境下的client,比如C, C++, C#, Ruby, Python, Perl, PHP, Pike等等。