qingmuluoyang 2020-01-13
phoneNum = "138xxxxxxxx"; key = "shortMsg:limit:" + phoneNum; // SET key value EX 60 NX isExists = redis.set(key,1,"EX 60","NX"); if(isExists != null || redis.incr(key) <=5){ // 通过 }else{ // 限速 } https://www.cnblogs.com/softidea/p/6229543.html 令牌桶算法
@Service("distributedLockHandler") public class DistributedLockHandler { private static final Integer Lock_Timeout = 3; @Autowired private RedisTemplate redisTemplate; private boolean innerTryLock(String lockKey){ JedisCmd jedisCmd = redisTemplate.getJedisCmd(); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String lockTimeDuration = String.valueOf(currentTime + Lock_Timeout + 1); Long result = jedisCmd.setnx(lockKey, lockTimeDuration); if(result == 1){ return true; }else { if(checkIfLockTimeout(currentTime, lockKey)){//检查锁是否超时未释放 String preLockTimeDuration = jedisCmd.getSet(lockKey,lockTimeDuration);//利用getSet原子性。 //锁是否超时未释放,如果直接del key然后setnx key,当多个客户端使用时就后者就会覆盖前者操作。 if(currentTime > Long.valueOf(preLockTimeDuration)){ return true; } } return false; } } //获取锁 public boolean tryLock(String lockKey, Long timeout){ try{ Long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean result = false; while (true){ if((System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTime)/1000 > timeout){//获取超时 jobLog.info("Execute DistributedLockHandler.tryLock method, Time out."); break; }else { result = innerTryLock(lockKey); if(result){ break; }else {//重试 jobLog.debug("Try to get the Lock,and wait 100 millisecond...."); Thread.sleep(100); } } } return result; }catch (Exception e){ jobLog.error("Failed to run DistributedLockHandler.getLock method.", e); return false; } } //释放锁 public void realseLock(String lockKey){ JedisCmd jedisCmd = redisTemplate.getJedisCmd(); jedisCmd.del(lockKey); } //检查锁是否超时 public boolean checkIfLockTimeout(Long currentTime, String lockKey){ JedisCmd jedisCmd = redisTemplate.getJedisCmd(); if(currentTime > Long.valueOf(jedisCmd.get(lockKey))){ return true; }else {