
alexazh 2015-11-02


glrAGXRenderVertexArray(GLDContextRec*, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int, unsigned int, void const*, int…






Crashed: WebThread 

在web thread中遇到了一个空指针,并且可以肯定是内部的代码作祟,crash log基本也是相同的

Thread : Crashed: WebThread
0  libGPUSupportMercury.dylib     0x2980d776 gpus_ReturnNotPermittedKillClient + 9
1  libGPUSupportMercury.dylib     0x2980e251 gpusSubmitDataBuffers + 120
2  IMGSGX543RC2GLDriver           0x20ffcddd glrSGXRenderVertexArray + 4120
3  GLEngine                       0x25130b9b glDrawArrays_ACC_ES2Exec + 358
4  WebCore                        0x2ed1b9c5 WebCore::WebGLRenderingContext::drawArrays(unsigned int, int, int, int&) + 128
5  WebCore                        0x2ea15bff WebCore::jsWebGLRenderingContextPrototypeFunctionDrawArrays(JSC::ExecState*) + 466
6  JavaScriptCore                 0x23b15133 llint_entry + 21314
7  JavaScriptCore                 0x23b14cd9 llint_entry + 20200
8  JavaScriptCore                 0x23b14cd9 llint_entry + 20200
9  JavaScriptCore                 0x23b14cd9 llint_entry + 20200
10 JavaScriptCore                 0x23b14cd9 llint_entry + 20200
11 JavaScriptCore                 0x23b14cd9 llint_entry + 20200
12 JavaScriptCore                 0x23b0fbdf callToJavaScript + 334
13 JavaScriptCore                 0x23a9f3b5 JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::VM*, JSC::ProtoCallFrame*) + 36
14 JavaScriptCore                 0x238ebda7 JSC::Interpreter::executeCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSObject*, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) + 350
15 JavaScriptCore                 0x239e10dd JSC::call(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&, JSC::JSValue*) + 64
16 WebCore                        0x2e48c7f3 WebCore::JSCallbackData::invokeCallback(JSC::JSValue, JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer&, bool*) + 426

原因在于嵌入的webview中使用到了Cocos2dx的JS框架,调用了WebGL做图形处理,而WebGL在系统里会调用OpenGL ES的API。根据苹果官方的说明:

Q: My OpenGL ES application crashes when moving to the background. How do I fix it?
调用了OpenGL ES的程序在退出到后台的时候crash怎么处理
A: If your OpenGL ES application crashes when moving to the background, and you get a crash report that contains a stack trace ending with libGPUSupportMercury.dylib: gpus_ReturnNotPermittedKillClient + 0 as shown in Listing 1, it indicates that the application has attempted to do rendering with OpenGL ES in the background.

Listing 1 Stack trace

Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libGPUSupportMercury.dylib    	0x30570094 gpus_ReturnNotPermittedKillClient + 0
1   libGPUSupportMercury.dylib    	0x305700ae gpus_KillClient ( )
2   libGPUSupportMercury.dylib    	0x305705ba gpusSubmitDMABuffers ( )
3   IMGSGX535GLDriver             	0x34bd29b8 SubmitPacketsIfAny ( )
4   IMGSGX535GLDriver             	0x34bd2ad0 glrFlushContextToken ( )
5   GLEngine                      	0x37719c4a gliPresentViewES ( )
6   OpenGLES                      	0x323df6b4 -[EAGLContext presentRenderbuffer:] ( )

An OpenGL ES application will be terminated if it attempts to execute OpenGL ES commands in the background. Your application must ensure that all previously submitted commands have been finished and then stop rendering prior to moving into the background. See details about how to achieve this in the Implementing a Multitasking-aware OpenGL ES Application chapter of the OpenGL ES Programming Guide for iOS.

如果你的程序调用了OpenGL ES并且在后台还尝试执行OpenGL的命令,他会被强制终结。你的程序需要在进入后台之前确认所有的OpenGL命令已经被执行完成并且停止继续执行。


An OpenGL ES app must perform additional work when it is moved into the background. If an app handles these tasks improperly, it may be terminated by iOS instead. Also, an app may want to free OpenGL ES resources so that those resources are made available to the foreground app.

如果你的程序调用了OpenGL ES,那么在进入后台前需要执行额外操作。如果你的程序没有合适的处理这个任务,系统会终结它。并且你将需要释放OpenGl的资源让前台的程序能够使用更多的资源。

Background Apps May Not Execute Commands on the Graphics Hardware
An OpenGL ES app is terminated if it attempts to execute OpenGL ES commands on the graphics hardware. iOS prevents background apps from accessing the graphics processor so that the frontmost app is always able to present a great experience to the user. Your app can be terminated not only if it makes OpenGL ES calls while in the background but also if previously submitted commands are flushed to the GPU while in the background. Your app must ensure that all previously submitted commands have finished executing before moving into the background.


If you use a GLKit view and view controller, and only submit OpenGL ES commands during your drawing method, your app automatically behaves correctly when it moves to the background. The GLKViewController class, by default, pauses its animation timer when your app becomes inactive, ensuring that your drawing method is not called.

If you do not use GLKit views or view controllers or if you submit OpenGL ES commands outside a GLKView drawing method, you must take the following steps to ensure that your app is not terminated in the background:

In your app delegate’s applicationWillResignActive: method, your app should stop its animation timer (if any), place itself into a known good state, and then call the glFinish function.

In your app delegate’s applicationDidEnterBackground: method, your app may want to delete some of its OpenGL ES objects to make memory and resources available to the foreground app. Call the glFinish function to ensure that the resources are removed immediately.

After your app exits its applicationDidEnterBackground: method, it must not make any new OpenGL ES calls. If it makes an OpenGL ES call, it is terminated by iOS.

In your app’s applicationWillEnterForeground: method, re-create any objects and restart your animation timer.

To summarize, your app needs to call the glFinish function to ensure that all previously submitted commands are drained from the command buffer and are executed by OpenGL ES. After it moves into the background, you must avoid all use of OpenGL ES until it moves back into the foreground.

但是这些都是对于一个在自己的程序里开发了OpenGL ES接口的开发者来说的,我的程序里没有任何调用了OpenGL的地方,只有Cocos2dx-JS访问了OpenGL的接口,我在百度上搜到一篇新闻,说是Cocos2dx-JS从iOS8开始支持WebGL,大幅提升了图像的动画和显示质量,我开始怀疑系统版本的问题和底层的图像处理方式有关系。

• renderMode: Web引擎绘制模式,仅服务于Web引擎,可能的取值如下:
• 0 – 由引擎自动选择绘制模式
• 1 – 强制使用Canvas绘制模式
• 2 – 强制使用WebGL绘制模式,但是实际上WebGL仍然可能会在一些移动浏览器上被忽略而自动使用Canvas绘制模式



最后修改了Cocos2dx中的project.json配置文件,将rendermode强制改为1,在iOS8上运行虽然画质略微差,但是无需更底层的OpenGL访问控制,运行无误,Crash Solved
