Amzaing00 2020-01-09
使用 Serverless Framework 部署一个 Hexo 网站只需三步::安装与初始化 → 配置 yml 文件 → 部署
简单三步,即可通过 Serverless Website 组件快速构建一个 Serverless Hexo 站点。
1. 安装 Serverless Framework
$ npm install -g serverless
2. 安装 Hexo
$ npm install -g hexo-cli
3. 初始化项目
$ hexo init hexo # 生成hexo目录 $ cd hexo $ npm install
初始化完成后,hexo 文件夹的目录如下:
. ├── _config.yml ├── package.json ├── scaffolds ├── source | ├── _drafts | └── _posts └── themes
4. 生成本地博客页面
hexo g # generate
可以通过 hexo g
命令生成静态页面,如果希望在本地查看效果,也可以运行下列命令,通过浏览器访问 http://localhost:4000 查看页面效果。
hexo s # server
项目目录下,创建 serverless.yml
cd.> serverless.yml
将以下内容写入上述的 yml 文件里:
# serverless.yml myWebsite: component: "@serverless/tencent-website"inputs: code: src: ./public # Upload static files generated by HEXO index: index.html error: index.html region: ap-guangzhou bucketName: my-bucket-hexo
. ├── .serverless ├── hexo | ├── public | ├── ... | ├── _config.yml | ├── ... | └── source └── serverless.yml
通过 sls
命令进行部署,并可以添加 --debug
PS serverless --debug DEBUG ─ Resolving the template's static variables. DEBUG ─ Collecting components from the template. DEBUG ─ Downloading any NPM components found in the template. DEBUG ─ Analyzing the template's components dependencies. DEBUG ─ Creating the template's components graph. DEBUG ─ Syncing template state. DEBUG ─ Executing the template's components graph. DEBUG ─ Starting Website Component. Please scan QR code login from wechat Wait login... Login successful for TencentCloud DEBUG ─ Preparing website Tencent COS bucket my-bucket-1250000000. DEBUG ─ Deploying "my-bucket-1250000000" bucket in the "ap-guangzhou" region. DEBUG ─ "my-bucket-1250000000" bucket was successfully deployed to the "ap-guangzhou" region. DEBUG ─ Setting ACL for "my-bucket-1250000000" bucket in the "ap-guangzhou" region. DEBUG ─ Ensuring no CORS are set for "my-bucket-1250000000" bucket in the "ap-guangzhou" region. DEBUG ─ Ensuring no Tags are set for "my-bucket-1250000000" bucket in the "ap-guangzhou" region. DEBUG ─ Configuring bucket my-bucket-1250000000 for website hosting. DEBUG ─ Uploading website files from D:\hexotina\localhexo\public to bucket my-bucket-1250000000. DEBUG ─ Starting upload to bucket my-bucket-1250000000 in region ap-guangzhou DEBUG ─ Uploading directory D:\hexotina\localhexo\public to bucket my-bucket-1250000000 DEBUG ─ Website deployed successfully to URL: myWebsite: url: env: 13s ? myWebsite ? done
访问命令行输出的 website url,即可查看属于自己的 Serverless Hexo 站点。
如果需要更新 hexo 站点中的文章,只需要在本地重新运行 hexo g
更新本地页面,再运行 sls
就可以直接更新到 Hexo 网站啦~
本文简单展示了如何利用 Serverless Framework 创建一个个人博客,Hexo 拥有丰富的插件系统,大家可以基于 Serverless Framework 和 hexo 开发更多个性化功能,如自定义 Themes、博文置顶、添加小图标等。这两个工具结合使用,开发方便部署快捷,非常适合想要快速搭建静态网站的开发者。
大家也可以访问:Serverless 中文技术社区,可以在 最佳实践 里查看更多关于 Serverless 应用的开发!