TiDBPingCAP 2011-10-12
HessianProxy是hessian client处理客户端请求的核心类,它采用proxy的设计模式,代理客户端对远程接口的调用,hessian client的主流程的时序图如下所示:
HessianSkeleton是hessian server端的核心类,从输入流中返序列化出客户端调用的方法和参数,对服务端服务进行调用,然后把处理结果返回给客户端,主要流程时序图如下所示:
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object []args) throws Throwable { String mangleName; synchronized (_mangleMap) { mangleName = _mangleMap.get(method); } if (mangleName == null) { String methodName = method.getName(); Class []params = method.getParameterTypes(); // equals and hashCode are special cased if (methodName.equals("equals") && params.length == 1 && params[0].equals(Object.class)) { Object value = args[0]; if (value == null || ! Proxy.isProxyClass(value.getClass())) return new Boolean(false); HessianProxy handler = (HessianProxy) Proxy.getInvocationHandler(value); return new Boolean(_url.equals(handler.getURL())); } else if (methodName.equals("hashCode") && params.length == 0) return new Integer(_url.hashCode()); else if (methodName.equals("getHessianType")) return proxy.getClass().getInterfaces()[0].getName(); else if (methodName.equals("getHessianURL")) return _url.toString(); else if (methodName.equals("toString") && params.length == 0) return "HessianProxy[" + _url + "]"; if (! _factory.isOverloadEnabled()) mangleName = method.getName(); else mangleName = mangleName(method); synchronized (_mangleMap) { _mangleMap.put(method, mangleName); } } ...... }
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object []args) throws Throwable { ...... InputStream is = null; URLConnection conn = null; HttpURLConnection httpConn = null; try { conn = sendRequest(mangleName, args); ...... } catch (HessianProtocolException e) { throw new HessianRuntimeException(e); } finally { ...... } }
protected URLConnection sendRequest(String methodName, Object []args) throws IOException { URLConnection conn = null; conn = _factory.openConnection(_url); boolean isValid = false; try { // Used chunked mode when available, i.e. JDK 1.5. if (_factory.isChunkedPost() && conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) { try { HttpURLConnection httpConn = (HttpURLConnection) conn; httpConn.setChunkedStreamingMode(8 * 1024); } catch (Throwable e) { } } addRequestHeaders(conn); OutputStream os = null; try { os = conn.getOutputStream(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HessianRuntimeException(e); } if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { PrintWriter dbg = new PrintWriter(new LogWriter(log)); os = new HessianDebugOutputStream(os, dbg); } AbstractHessianOutput out = _factory.getHessianOutput(os); out.call(methodName, args); out.flush(); isValid = true; return conn; } finally { if (! isValid && conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) ((HttpURLConnection) conn).disconnect(); } }
sendRequest的主要流程是先初始化网络连接,然后用AbstractHessianOutput包装网络输出流,调用AbstractHessianOutput.call(methodName, args)完成网络输出,这个方法的细节会在hessian io的源码解析中详细分析。
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object []args) throws Throwable { ...... is = conn.getInputStream(); AbstractHessianInput in = _factory.getHessianInput(is); in.startReply(); Object value = in.readObject(method.getReturnType()); if (value instanceof InputStream) { value = new ResultInputStream(httpConn, is, in, (InputStream) value); is = null; httpConn = null; } else in.completeReply(); ...... }
3.Hessian源码分析(三)------ HessianSkeletonHessianSkeleton是Hessian server端的核心类,主要功能是接收网络输入流(被包装为AbstractHessianInput),反序列化输入流得到methodName和参数,然后调用服务端的服务,得到结果后序列化为输出流,返回给客户端,主要流程如下图所示:
public void invoke(Object service, AbstractHessianInput in, AbstractHessianOutput out) throws Exception { ...... String methodName = in.readMethod(); Method method = getMethod(methodName); ...... Class []args = method.getParameterTypes(); Object []values = new Object[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { values[i] = in.readObject(args[i]); } Object result = null; try { result = method.invoke(service, values); } catch (Throwable e) { ...... } // The complete call needs to be after the invoke to handle a // trailing InputStream in.completeCall(); out.startReply(); out.writeObject(result); out.completeReply(); out.close(); }
主流程代码非常清晰,不需要太多解释,关键的地方在于对网络流的序列化和反序列化,我会在hessian io分析的部分中进行详细阐述