broadCE 2011-07-30
1. 理解Felix Gogo Shell Service
Felix提供了一个简单且可扩展的shell服务,允许bundle暴露命令给shell用户。Shell Service 或自动检测bundle
2. 实现一个Gog Shell服务命令
2.1 Creating a proxy class that defines the commands - one method per command syntax flavor;
2.2 Registering the proxy as a service with OSGi framework,along with properties int the registeration dictionary.
其中在注册command时有两个service properties被使用到:
(1) osgi.command.scope:被注册命令所在的域,一个字符串;
(2) osgi.command.function: A string array listingh the command to be exposed from the
registered proxy.
3. 开发一个Command Bundle