魄竹 2019-06-30
<header>I'm the page header</header> <p>Lot's of content here...</p> <p>More beautiful content...</p> <p>Content...</p>
document.addEventListener('scroll', () => { document.documentElement.dataset.scroll = window.scrollY; });
<html data-scroll="0">
/* Make sure the header is always at least 3em high */ header { min-height: 3em; width: 100%; background-color: #fff; } /* Reserve the same height at the top of the page as the header min-height */ html:not([data-scroll='0']) body { padding-top: 3em; } /* Switch to fixed positioning, and stick the header to the top of the page */ html:not([data-scroll='0']) header { position: fixed; top: 0; z-index: 1; /* This box-shadow will help sell the floating effect */ box-shadow: 0 0 .5em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); }
// Reads out the scroll position and stores it in the data attribute // so we can use it in our stylesheets const storeScroll = () => { document.documentElement.dataset.scroll = window.scrollY; } // Listen for new scroll events document.addEventListener('scroll', storeScroll); // Update scroll position for first time storeScroll();
// The debounce function receives our function as a parameter const debounce = (fn) => { // This holds the requestAnimationFrame reference, so we can cancel it if we wish let frame; // The debounce function returns a new function that can receive a variable number of arguments return (...params) => { // If the frame variable has been defined, clear it now, and queue for next frame if (frame) { cancelAnimationFrame(frame); } // Queue our function call for the next frame frame = requestAnimationFrame(() => { // Call our function and pass any params we received fn(...params); }); } }; // Reads out the scroll position and stores it in the data attribute // so we can use it in our stylesheets const storeScroll = () => { document.documentElement.dataset.scroll = window.scrollY; } // Listen for new scroll events, here we debounce our `storeScroll` function document.addEventListener('scroll', debounce(storeScroll)); // Update scroll position for first time storeScroll();
document.addEventListener('scroll', debounce(storeScroll), { passive: true });
background-color: blue;background-color: yellow;<input type="button" value="变蓝" @click="changeColorT