中国禁收洋垃圾后, 英国的垃圾堆积成山, 美国reddit网友评

爱燃烧最专业的中文跑步运动社区 2018-01-07

Plastic already building up in the UK following China's 1st of January ban on importing foreign waste.



中国日报网1月3日电 据欧洲时报网1月3日援引英国《每日电讯报》的报道称,中国是世界上最大的垃圾进口国家,每年进口的垃圾约占全球贸易量的56%。中国出台进口废塑料的禁令,让英国不知所措。


中国禁收洋垃圾后, 英国的垃圾堆积成山, 美国reddit网友评


[–]GypsyHavok 921 points 1 day ago I really hope China bans all waste import entirely, that just might be the wake up call the rest of the world needs to stop using plastics so recklessly.


[–]MemeOD 288 points 1 day ago But then who's everyone gonna blame for the pollution?


[–]GypsyHavok 270 points 1 day ago India for sure


中国禁收洋垃圾后, 英国的垃圾堆积成山, 美国reddit网友评

[–]Brandonsato1 21 points 1 day ago As obiwan famously said, strike down the import of foreign waste into China, and the plastic bottles will come back stronger than you can possibly imagine


[–]mcpeonly 8 points 1 day ago America exports all its plastics to China too, they’re currently in the same boat as the U.K.


[–]kemb0 24 points 1 day ago Reading this article yes. There's me diligently putting all my recyclable stuff in the recycle bin each week and now I discover it just gets shipped to China where it's probably just incinerated anyway. We should be heading towards zero packaging shops and food stores. Why is this not already thing?



[–]ak-uk-17 66 points 1 day ago Kenya have a similar ban I hear. Quite impressive imo


[–]solabear 114 points 1 day ago If people stopped constantly buying plastic products that would be great.


[–]elegantlywasted82 51 points 1 day ago Do most Developed countries send their waste to poorer countries or is it just the UK? Cos it seems that developing countries get blamed a lot for not doing enough for the environment. It would be extremely hypocritical to then simply pass your own trash to these countrie




中国禁收洋垃圾后, 英国的垃圾堆积成山, 美国reddit网友评

[–]BertDeathStare 17 points 1 day ago Definitely not just the UK. In 2012 China received nearly half of all the plastic waste that Americans sent abroad for recycling and about one-third of the European Union's plastic waste exports. According to one 2014 study, China received 56 percent by weight of global scrap plastic exports. 56%, sounds like this ban will have quite an effect on the world because all that waste now needs a new destination. I'm guessing India, Bangladesh, and some African countries will be getting most of it. If they can handle it is another question.




[–]Beartown9000 39 points 1 day ago I read somewhere a few years ago that China was importing huge amounts of American recycled materials for use as industrial resources. Its kind of funny to think that recycling is an environmentally friendly process where we ship our trash to the far side of the planet, have it fed into factories, and shipped back to our side of the planet as merchandise.



[–]tmpxyz 2 points 1 day ago Why don't just learn to recycle it? Like japan?


[–]Bells_Ringing 14 points 1 day ago The reason China and others are not currently interested in the plastic recycling is directly due to oil pricing. At the current pricing, it's cheaper to make new plastic. at $70+ a barrel, it's cheaper to recycle. China wanted the scrap plastic because they could re-purpose it.



[–]Teh_Hammerer 13 points 1 day ago We are experiencing similar issues in Denmark following this ban. I just heard a radio news host having a talk with a local recycling plant. He explained that they primarily send soft plastics to China, and recycle everything else. And that's when it hit me. This is why the nordics have such a high rate of recycling. We just send the difficult shit abroad, and claim it was recycled - when it was probably just dumped in the Jangtze or burned.




[–]redditninja1 22 points 1 day ago We should just throw it in the ocean ourselves instead of letting China do it.

