MySQL MMM 数据不一致探究

yangqingyus 2015-02-09

slave重新指向新的master 的关键日志输出,通过这些日志输出,我们大致可以明白MMM自动failover或在线切换时的执行流程。

2015/02/06 01:47:09  INFO Changing active master to 'raugherdb1'
2015/02/06 01:47:09 DEBUG Executing /usr/lib/mysql-mmm//agent/set_active_master raugherdb1
2015/02/06 01:47:09 DEBUG Result: OK

2015/02/06 05:49:23 DEBUG Received Command SET_STATUS|1|raugherdb1|ONLINE|reader(|raugherdb2
2015/02/06 05:49:23  INFO We have some new roles added or old rules deleted!
2015/02/06 05:49:23  INFO Deleted: writer(
2015/02/06 05:49:23 DEBUG Executing /usr/lib/mysql-mmm//agent/mysql_deny_write 
2015/02/06 05:49:23 DEBUG Executing /usr/lib/mysql-mmm//agent/clear_ip eth0
2015/02/06 05:49:22 DEBUG Daemon: Command = 'SET_STATUS|1|raugherdb2|ONLINE|reader(,writer(|raugherdb2'
2015/02/06 05:49:22 DEBUG Received Command SET_STATUS|1|raugherdb2|ONLINE|reader(,writer(|raugherdb2
2015/02/06 05:49:22  INFO We have some new roles added or old rules deleted!
2015/02/06 05:49:22  INFO Added:  writer(
2015/02/06 05:49:22 DEBUG Executing /usr/lib/mysql-mmm//agent/sync_with_master 
2015/02/06 05:49:23 DEBUG Executing /usr/lib/mysql-mmm//agent/mysql_allow_write 
2015/02/06 05:49:23 DEBUG Executing /usr/lib/mysql-mmm//agent/configure_ip eth0
2015/02/06 05:49:22 DEBUG Daemon: Command = 'SET_STATUS|1|raugherdb|ONLINE|reader(|raugherdb2'
2015/02/06 05:49:22 DEBUG Received Command SET_STATUS|1|raugherdb|ONLINE|reader(|raugherdb2
2015/02/06 05:49:22  INFO Changing active master to 'raugherdb2'
2015/02/06 05:49:22 DEBUG Executing /usr/lib/mysql-mmm//agent/set_active_master raugherdb2
2015/02/06 05:49:23 DEBUG Result: OK


sub set_active_master($) {
    my $new_peer = shift;
    _exit_error('Name of new master is missing') unless (defined($new_peer));
    my $this = _get_this();
    _exit_error('New master is equal to local host!?') if ($this eq $new_peer);
    # Get local connection info
    my ($this_host, $this_port, $this_user, $this_password) = _get_connection_info($this);
    _exit_error("No connection info for local host '$this_host'") unless defined($this_host);
    # Get connection info for new peer
    my ($new_peer_host, $new_peer_port, $new_peer_user, $new_peer_password) = _get_connection_info($new_peer);
    _exit_error("No connection info for new peer '$new_peer'") unless defined($new_peer_host);
    # Connect to local server
    my $this_dbh = _mysql_connect($this_host, $this_port, $this_user, $this_password);
    _exit_error("Can't connect to MySQL (host = $this_host:$this_port, user = $this_user)! " . $DBI::errstr) unless ($this_dbh);
    # Get slave info
    my $slave_status = $this_dbh->selectrow_hashref('SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
    _exit_error('SQL Query Error: ' . $this_dbh->errstr) unless defined($slave_status);
    my $wait_log  = $slave_status->{Master_Log_File};
    my $wait_pos  = $slave_status->{Read_Master_Log_Pos};
    my $old_peer_ip    = $slave_status->{Master_Host};
    _exit_error('No ip for old peer') unless ($old_peer_ip);
    # Get connection info for old peer
    my $old_peer = _find_host_by_ip($old_peer_ip);
    _exit_error('Invalid master host in show slave status') unless ($old_peer);
    _exit_ok('We are already a slave of the new master') if ($old_peer eq $new_peer);
    my ($old_peer_host, $old_peer_port, $old_peer_user, $old_peer_password) = _get_connection_info($old_peer);
    _exit_error("No connection info for new peer '$old_peer'") unless defined($old_peer_host);
    my $old_peer_dbh = _mysql_connect($old_peer_host, $old_peer_port, $old_peer_user, $old_peer_password);
    if ($old_peer_dbh) {
        my $old_master_status = $old_peer_dbh->selectrow_hashref('SHOW MASTER STATUS');
        if (defined($old_master_status)) {
            $wait_log = $old_master_status->{File};
            $wait_pos = $old_master_status->{Position};
    # Sync with logs
    my $res = $this_dbh->do("SELECT MASTER_POS_WAIT('$wait_log', $wait_pos)");
    _exit_error('SQL Query Error: ' . $this_dbh->errstr) unless($res);
    # Stop slave
    $res = $this_dbh->do('STOP SLAVE');
    _exit_error('SQL Query Error: ' . $this_dbh->errstr) unless($res);
    # Connect to new peer
    my $new_peer_dbh = _mysql_connect($new_peer_host, $new_peer_port, $new_peer_user, $new_peer_password);
    _exit_error("Can't connect to MySQL (host = $new_peer_host:$new_peer_port, user = $new_peer_user)! " . $DBI::errstr) unless ($new_peer_dbh);
    # Get log position of new master
    my $new_master_status = $new_peer_dbh->selectrow_hashref('SHOW MASTER STATUS');
    _exit_error('SQL Query Error: ' . $new_peer_dbh->errstr) unless($new_master_status);
    my $master_log = $new_master_status->{File};
    my $master_pos = $new_master_status->{Position};
    # Get replication credentials
    my ($repl_user, $repl_password) = _get_replication_credentials($new_peer);
    # Change master
    my $sql = 'CHANGE MASTER TO'
              . " MASTER_HOST='$new_peer_host',"
              . " MASTER_PORT=$new_peer_port,"
              . " MASTER_USER='$repl_user',"
              . " MASTER_PASSWORD='$repl_password',"
              . " MASTER_LOG_FILE='$master_log',"
              . " MASTER_LOG_POS=$master_pos";
    $res = $this_dbh->do($sql);
    _exit_error('SQL Query Error: ' . $this_dbh->errstr) unless($res);
    # Start slave
    $res = $this_dbh->do('START SLAVE');
    _exit_error('SQL Query Error: ' . $this_dbh->errstr) unless($res);
    return 'OK';

从上面的代码可以看出,在以下的架构中,只要是 主2和slave n出现延迟,在自动failover后就可能会造成主2和slave n的数据不一致现象
主1  ----slave1,slave2


mmm mond supports the detection of hosts that are "flapping". Flapping occurs if a host
DELAY too often and each time gets switched back to ONLINE (because of auto set online or
because it has been down for less than 60 seconds). This may lead to roles getting switched
between hosts very often.
To prevent this mmm mond has a built in flap-detection which can be tuned in the
configuration file. If a host goes down for more than flap count times within flap duration
seconds it is considered as flapping and will not be set ONLINE automatically. It will stay in
state AWAITING_RECOVERY until it gets set online (with mmm_control set_online host ).
If auto set online is > 0, flapping hosts will automatically be set to ONLINE after
flap duration seconds.

# set ONLINE because of small downtime
if ($agent->last_uptime > 0 && $uptime_diff > 0 && $uptime_diff < 60) {
    FATAL sprintf("State of host '%s' changed from %s to ONLINE because it was down for only %d seconds", $host, $state, $uptime_diff);

把60改为0.0001,这样就防止了原master online,我们处理完原master后,再手动执行set_online命令。
